Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 May 1894 Edition 02 — GORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
i 9 r\ V* », ,V / ? . ■ *v. t V : e t I EDrros HkL' it:a; D ir rg tl e di«~ns«ioo t t' Pem* 'Sat»rv of Envnv »<t W iington.” and “Sal»rv of 5%»cre* !*rv Legat r on at Washington : at tl e st ee al <K'«a‘r»n of tl C >n*»c*l« ’«t week. M'n'«*< 5 <iif’i «»id. “l»e h-.il Wn t !■' | hv Mr An»istn ng that t Mi st**r fro*»» H,»v:»ii «n? fh n<»'r»-st pn)d f r* j i£»n r°«>re<»!>t • t »v** tl»ere. The 1 tt|e con" *r r f V»-'ezne! < »••< d its M !ii-te-it’20 0»t«) ,i ve <r / flt’r rnu' f r>/ of V-"»- 7 ’p' » 1« go< <l! Gre ♦ S,- tt'“ js f!i»re • in this K r.gd<>m or in f.»t ; on fh:s e-.ith th"t has .-ver 1 ef >r>’ ■ seen. or lie-«rd. orrea»l < f “« pnl» : he offii*ia 1.' ' nv«k nr» snch h pnh 15c rsp. '«e of l> s 5g»»or n»e : “ Ar*nstrong to ! d hiiu so.“ | It s to he presnnied tli»n. tlviti Snr ith h**lieves evervthing Arra-1 str<»ng tells h'.n Does Armstr<»ng ! kn’w an\ thii g m»-re of g»< gra-| phv th-<n S.ith? Tr is t<> be do.ibt' d. as h» ( ' rmsfrongt lias made an ?'ss r.f his l»><jal (?) and learned (?1 (ii‘ ge<>g r:t j hy) frieud, Sm th. F* r the inf<>ri>.}itiort of M- -=srs. Arra«trong and Smith, nml a!so; fnr the pnrpose of i>rev»ut5ngj h<»th of th»m fr<<m makmg asses of .hems<.!ves in th» fnt'ire, th» f..llmvi' g inay ’oe of some s»rv ee. I qn> te, Mr ]5ditor as f »Po\vs: ’A eneznela is !ii-> most north r!v e mfe.leratioii i>f Sonth A ntrica It e'iisists >.f »-ig>it States, aii aroi • f ōfl6.1ō9 squ-r» mil >s. m 1 a j oj>nlatioii. in 1883 * f ? . .7. 9S.SH Th» rail\vavs op»ned an 1 nnd r ci)usfcracti >n lvive a leugtli of 370 mil.s A large stu hm.» array 's als<> raa ; nt i’ned Tne jmb!ic revenne. 1889 90 \vas f9. ( X>9 24ō V»nezn»la is tli» third 1 rg>st State i n S..utii Am er o). It folli> vs Bnzil aml tli * Aig»ntiiie Il»public ” Tlie 8 i'Imds com|»rising tlie H iwaiian Gronp Iiav» :.n ar»a "f 6 740 statnte sqnare miles The es:invited noi>nlation of th» Hawaiiaii isles, on J.dv 1.1892 was 96 075 (so s-< vs Thrntn’s Annnal) T1 iat Iittle gr« • uj> of istands e d!ed | tii» Br tish Is’>'s whieh lvis an ar*» of 121 115 squre ta’les. (ahont a q"arter tie si:-;e of Vi.‘i<. Znela) and a p >pu!atiun in 1891 ».f 37 740 2 pays >ts R» l>resentatlT» at W shnigt n u silary of 830.000 a \e;ir Ttie Repr»sentat ve c>f th» Uu ted 8t<;tes of Amei’iea at tl;e Co irt of St Jaines. recei»*es a s*l irv of 817 500 while tlie Unit»<l StateM n ster t<» Ven»Zi.eSi( is }• id .-• salary of 9’i .500 Poor Hawaii P<-or Smith. Armstrong aml Thnrst«.n. B»c:mse Armsfrong mn/t so. does uot j r >va, tli«t tlo»f Bepresent.itive r»ceiv»s 820,000 a 3 r ear. F«>r further infornirtt'on eonceruing the liiile eou nfry of Veiie zuela. the leameil (?) gentl men nr» resj>ectlnlly referr»d to th>‘Oominon School Geograr>hv.” Tbey are also urged <nd ;u'v»sed to rrfer —in fntore—1« som> hooks nf r»ference and rei<d nji tlie snbj»ct njion whi h tliey raa\ \vish to sj*eak, hef >re ap;>earing in puhlie: they w<>ul<l by tiiat means save themselves from great hnmiliaiioa. i Observer. The steamer CI miline brongl t 1" eahin »nd 38 <l»ck p i-s rg-is to port berc yesterd»y from M»ui.