Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Partiality. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Thore !t;tve b hmi m »ny aml jns f i*itmI'bi 1 nts giinst tlie m ni!er n whieh t!ie Cust >m on.se is being 1 mn iiiuler tlie ) resent regitne ltl)i ngh new rnl s hii.1 r gnlati<>ns liave b»-en invented, tlie bnre.*.n bas fuiled to catcli »iny j 'iinngg!er aed not t tin of opiinu i lms been s *iz d, since tlie im ii)ucu!.ite |>. g s cceeded tlie ull*god rn<>imrclicul opiiim i>giiue. Bnt tlie pow*>rs tbat lie. wl.ile sp< rt.ng unifornis and l>i ss-buttmis «m tlie wuter-front iire rtiw«y8 willmg t<> aun.>y sucli piisseng-rs, sbipp rs aml seaeapt.iins wbo tiiey are aware d»n’t smnggle. but wlio have fiillen muler tbe displeasure of tlie aliniglitv boss. Captain Wm. Diivios t>f tbe M .himalii was s d>jected ku sucb au aunoyance on 8aturd iy raorn ng wben his vessei rt turn<-d fr« m tbecircnit of Oibu. The Mahim ihi wis overhaulcd and th«>ronghly se rchcd by tae vig lant < fficei*s, wbo, of coirse, found nothing At the j srt*i>e tirae tbe W. G. Hull. tbe M>>kolii, tbe Iwalani and otlier co.»stei-a e me iatt> port, but n»ne >>f them were looketl <tt Capta.n D.ivies Datnr:illy objects to sach miwariauted partiality T> be pic>v« d «>nt aiiiong >11 the is!ui.ds vessrl fur •« seuicb, teuds to throw susp ; ci»n on tb« capfc«:n, bis vessui and his p«trons and c.«n •ulv bnrt b:s entt rprise. Capt.«in D>vies ...>s beeu bere f»r mmy years nd l«as never been s ispe« ted «>f doiug anytliing crooked. At this late d.«y <it. *onld h trdiv be likelv tb «t be ’ • • wo iid go mt • the smuggling ; bus ness. lf tbe Cast nu H mse at)tbotities, i istea 1 of aie i petty uun )y<mee to a weli-kuown acd -•ste«aied seaman, wu.ild devote tbeir linie to watcb and ci«tcb| some of tbose vesseis that bri..g I tbe forbidden drug m by tons.| tbey would be d.>ing tbeir daty ; >uore s«tlsf >ct»ry tbau nov is tbe The n. g bacd will play at £iuo» ihia eT«iūug.