Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 106, 7 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — The Last Rites. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Last Rites.

I I T !• • ■ ■.} - w?. t •7. ? a-ī ' •fi Vpe ’ ve«t«»rvi'* •« fnn*r ■* S o tlv ;ifter 3 .'c’frk in the f;**iooon tlie j p rt**c»> Ft«rted frm tbe | »-te «lo/'io/p r *«T<lence wli®re * ’*r{re mimber of peo-’le hid -«’mlili d’.ml m l.ere tt»e ReverMn 1 i F ther Leonore f>r ninv veirH ' n īitt*ra te f the d-‘ce •«►•il »• rt nne'l the 1 »?t r te« ece*’rd- ■ e tr> |i R. m i r»«f|.o’icchnreh. , Tl e tri>vieion»l c°w rnin ‘’ n t h*d ■ s-‘|jt it« h»n«1 who nni1er tbe ■ h ;.fler>bin • f Pnf B rg- r pl»ye<1 ;l rci while t'>e coffin w.s cnri r <-d t<» the he rse īii** lone *r in if c <rr c p s than st»rted •<e ileel l>v the H w iian N ilional h i;<1 nnder the ]eid<*rship of '*r f L b rnio Tln> interment t<• k pl ee ht Mik ki c°m”tiry »* lier*’ wli <t rem iined of Ha\vai 's hest [r : eml W s Iaid in the grave, j liis eoffin C"Teml w;th the ti .g nn.ler whieh l»<* live<1 for so many ve<rs aml m ch"r whieh he paase<1 iaw iv. The p»ll !ie»rers were Prir.ce David K iwanan <k<>a. : Hone S inue! P«<iker. H A. Wiilemann 0 T On' ek. Mr F A Sciiaefer It il an C*»nsn1, Mr 11 F. G'nle G T r nm C nsnl. and M . D i\t >n, Gmlfrey Br"Wn. E kh irt X"\vleia.Bertelnianu and Niw ihi Tlie fl.g it the govern- ! m *ixt bnililing w - afc half m ist as .ils<i w s fclie c.»se nn seyeral ! |.nvate hnildiugs The fl >r »1 l fl riug were ex.jnisite and a : laiee unuih r of ladies cal'.ed I ° 1 1 nr> rg the day and ss:sted in dec ontting tlie e sket. tiiat contained -1 ictor’.i retuiins Am<>ng those who «ttended the fuunril were J.imes e.imphell, M.O Smith, presid *iit »f the Board of Heallh Bnice Cartwr g'it, C L. Cart»r. Judg j Cooper. ne<rly ail the | pti\sicians in town and innumer I able otlier we 1 knowu citizeus.