Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co., . Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANL) Provision Mercliants 'J8 Fort Streei. - Hunoloio Fatmlios. Planlalion- anil Ship' supplī• I with choicest Enmpean &A merica» Ciliforūi.*i Proiluce by EvenSte ',mer. j ■ OOUAN IC SteamsliipCo Time l'ahlo. LOOAL LINE. 'Plirou£jli I ūno* From Sm Fnn. for Svtlin*y. Arrive Honolulu CAUFORNIA Wine Coinpany 407 F )RT STREET, Mclneray Hioeie. JOBBERS OE 'W r XjS’.KS, anel SPIKTTS NOTKETbe pirtnership her;t»fore ixistmg bot»%et.n Fretlorick Harnsou nud Arthur Harnson, u:uler tbe firm n<HDe of H irrison Hros. is Cootractors aml Bailtlers, hus been.by mutu >1 cousent dissolved, iud ali parties owing sa d firra •re hercby not>fied tuat i>«yment uf the same raa.-t be tnade to Frederick Harrisoo, wuo is iuthonzed to settle s.»id bosiness «vithm tbuty days frora date. Fbcdebioe Hakrisox, Auiulk HahbisOX. Houolo’u, H. I., Mirc i *i7lh, IS04 raar —Iw. O. T. AKANA -:- īaiīop 1 U-1 Nuoaua Stre«i A.1I Guaranteed To Fit aod in tbe Latest Style. C!otbee Cleaned and IlopaiieU. uuI7.