Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — The Good Doctor. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Good Doctor.

— Doctor Troussaau*s f«neral will 1 1 iko pl ;u*e tomarrow, SimiL<y, »t i3 p. m. from tbe I.tte rt*sidence of Jece tsed. Tbe late doctor ffas attondad iu Lis illness by Drs, ! Mc Kbb'n, Wood and Armitage. Tbe di»ctor besides the life injsnnnee pol cy of «ō,000 īeaves | c >r.s demb!e property, 3fe«srs 11. E Mclnfyre and Brnee Cart- | wrigbt bas charge ol iLe estate. i Tbe resideiice of tbe l ste popalar ■ i pbrsic.au W.is crowded ltst night «ud todtr l*y u la rge nuniber of nnr best known citizens who I desireJ to sbow their last respeets |to the good doctor. Doctor Trousseau d;ed caad«r of

t*ie st >nnc!i. H,s w.ll w»s m »ds on tbe 8tL of Mtrcfa this ye r lt is oL.derstt>>d that hi-. faithfal servaot Makanoe is tbe mtin benfficiary. T«o sons both rei siding in Fr,mce survive D >ct*T Troasscau who was a w:dower. The Bight Bev. B.-a. p of Panop *lis was w th the doctor to the L»st H;s most intimate personal frieuds, Mes»>r5. Can*v*rro, tbe Portagoese Commissioner. and VizziTi>oa the c»:nmiss;oner for Fraace h«ve bota left t!i»* e ur>try »• t ! i*a tbe i~t we -k and »lee: iy regret t’ eir ,\ >~euce ?r »m the d-.»tu bed of D >ct>T rronss*-au. t