Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONBENCE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


| [\\> ■!•> aot Lol 1 o>ir-ielT*ii re»;>ousibl« frr ! . tbr o}>iu ons <>r thr ntt«?ni>i<.-es of <>ut i ients.J Euitoh Holomua: Tiie election of deleg»tes is over «nd \vhnt sm e!ection? Wh.it i comfort em the powers that be i derive fr"m it' \\ 5i.it will WttshI mgton think of it, what v ill tbe ! United Stutvs think of it. what I will tbe world thinkof it %rlien it is remeiubered th >t oulv abont 400 willing vote.s were c »st if we except those of tho uec *ssary soIdiery and expectaot plaeeh«nters. Furthennore, wh.it of Stevens b!atant boa?,t of the gro >t unileil colony of Americans. 1 when tlie vote tir.ives thero ore move Portugaese also voted thau Americans. What kind of Constit i ution is the n,»tion likt*lv t>> h:»ve 1 j t ir >wn at it by tha incongruoas elemonts comprising t’.io Convention Ministei-s, Advisory Councii and dolog »tes; Is it not truo. that tlie Constitntion is already hatched ;»nd ready for the market, and to suit tbe views of tho incubators, ‘ Whoui tlie Gods woukl destroy, they first make i mad,” n»d tnay God Etero;»l bar ! me ut St. Peter s g »te, if they are | not mor<* frautic thau •» herd of j wihl buffaloes in a prairie firo. i Hoaven pity thein, aiul tnuy the j Gra t F,»thoi have mercy upon tho microsuceph »lons molecules blaspheiiiou3ly cai!od th"*ir souls }-— by themselvos. The rec»*nt election roniinds me of ;»n old saying (i.e.), TV hit is t‘ic use of trvi.ng tl»e Prince of D«rknessin the S,;i>rome Conrt of Sheol.” Tlie.ro is—I snppose 1 innst eal 1 him au :»t mu—in tlie Oonncils ral)ed a fourthly lawyer born —I a.n sorry t<> say--iu tl;e Kingdom—mutnred ,»ml fostered i \vitli Hawaiian psp, who is the 1 evil gcuins of his conutry today. lie u:ulhis twin br >ther Lorrin — 1 the uneonlh thebn!iy, are enongh i to dawu uuy canse this side of the ; >Sty an 1 o!d man Ciiaron wouhl j • not ilemeue himself by ferrving t'iem «cr< ss on any terms. Let tl»em go to nnto their own plaee. Ile that liveth by the swor»l shon!«l f ,11 by it, and so shonld ■ I nll men who conspire to siuite to the dust, huiuiiu rights and liberties. Let tliem perish and like i ’giate. let t!ieir raemory be for • ever be forg >tten. ‘■Mercy tl»ey a»d none. nor J jstiee,'’ “Jostice they sh-Ji haee. but ao mercy.“ An*jLo Saxon.