Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 105, 5 May 1894 Edition 02 — "Free"(?) Government. [ARTICLE]

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"Free"(?) Government.

Ti;>- ' ibstance ol a r<jply allt*g’icl t.i b ve bet;n inaele bv Acting l’i»*>nīent D »le to Min st«r M li.>» is uu..tficia lv publifebeil. Iu it; iX>ie <1 e> nol attcaipt t<> <Icny j t:.;tl Dtiu >n Hgr*-*-l >ia bei.alf uf) tlic a>urpiug pnrtv t>» refer tiie c<>erc«<l ab<l.<vttu)U of tb« Qaeclij t<. tlie <'<.verniueut of tl.e L aite<! St«t««. He eoo ly repiulr »t**s tbe pleilp** bv tlir- wiug tbe re>j*ons; j b>litv nn D *iuol;. althougli knew ut tli7 time tbat D.iroon j hiul s<j atlvised tbe Que«n au«l! tliat it wiiii «n Damon’s assomed r ciit to apenk for tbe revoIutiou O I «rv pnrty tb it sb<> a:.d hercabinet| mlJ * I I oonse.ited t<» submit in tbe, presenoe <>f tbe nieuuee us-<l b\ Stevens in lan iing tb« tr<»op.s aiul guus of tbe Dust. n. Dol* ileelnr«*s tbat tbe provisioii.nl g<jverxnieiit *ill uot ubule by tbe agr<>emcnt. If anytbing uere laoking tu sbow tbe real nature of tbo uien wbo secured the conuivance of our navy for un unlawful imrp'»se. it is fnrnisbetl in unotbor of tbe (li-Q!sious announeeil bv D<»le. It bas been elaiuieil bv tlie usurpers that tbey represent ed tbe |»eop!e <>f Hawaii; th;<t tbey stood for rep>iblican governiueut; that they were nut an oligarcby running a seizsd gov ernment for privute gaiu; bot tliat they were merely trustees for the bost elemeui of tlie Ha waiiaii population, anil that they woulil snbmit their pretoiisions to a popular vote at an early day. Iustoud of doing this, althougb in power noarlv a year. they bave i*?rsisted in keeping tbe voice of Hawaii silent and ueitber directly nor indirectly have the citizons been perniitted to spe:<k for tbemselves. Tbe truth is tbat tbo men wbo. with Stevens, plotted tbe over tbrow of tbe coustitutioual governmeot are merely «dveuturors, filibusters, with no tn>>re r:glit t. preteml to be tbe government of Hawaii than so many higbwayuien or burglars. Tbey obtained possession of the government house by treacbery and deceit. Tbey swindled the Qaeeu and hei advisers by preteuding tbey wouKl abide by tho decision oi tbe governraeut of tlie Uuitod States. Tbey repudiate tbut pledge as soou as they are asked to fulfiil its implied obligatiun. Thoir refusal to let tue voters ol the is!ands express themselves is suspicioas to tbe Iast degree. They do not dare appoal to tue sutfr:ige8of tbe iuteliigeut Hawaiians of anv race or status. Dole aud h:s colle:<gaes m tbe swindle h«d soleionly anuouueea thnt an eleetion should be lield on tbe fii-st dny of next month. whtn the peopie should be free to cboose tht ir guvernraent Now Dole announces witbout cxplana tion that t!ie election sha!I b< postpoued a year. Thal iuean> that f<»r more th;.n two years a junta professing to represent republican ideas will play « dictatorsbip over Htv«ii aud c<>m{«i the citizeos tu submit to tho taxgatherer. the pretendeil justice aud the organized mditan , foroe <>f a despotism. The shame is the greater be- < oause this depotism was erectetl in onr name uud with the help of 1 the forces of the United Statcs. < No juntt in Soutb cr Cectral \ Amenea ever more wautoniy be- j trayed ti;eir victiras. Tue most; pr. fiigftte of Soutb Aiuenea po-l lit>cijus wonld htsitate tode»'rivt| t!m (>copie of the ose ot 8udr.ige |» for t»o eutiie yeurs. Nor is tbere ( «t Huwaii the excuse of darger of ( • diatnrbaace. Everylbmg :s per- ,