Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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' ■ 'i In the Hoase o! Lords. Lo rd R seberv announeeU that a British protector*te had been estab lishcd ovor the territorv of Uiian da iu E»st Afric.i. Sir Wiliiam , Harcourt oude a similar annoueement in the House of Commoas, «nd said that a protectorute over Uganda was essential to British i iuterests. The announcements were received with cheers. Duriog the hearing of the charges against a number of i.persons accused of comp!icity in anarchist p!ots, at Bow-street Poliee Coart London the eonstables made a raid oa the crowd of spectators, many of whom were suspected of being auarchists. A large number of anachists newspupers were found in tbe possesion of some of ihoae , ioarcbed-