Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Relative to the Samoan qnes tion the Snmoau Tivu>* priuts the following oditorial: In oonuection with the probable future settlemeut of tbe Samoan question, the views expressod by the Vo*»i9che Zeitung — a paper of considerable >m j>ortance in Germauy—are, at the preseut juncture. extremely signiHceut, aud would appe.tr t<> show that the treud of public ppiuion is iu tho directiou of allow iug Great Britaiu to bo the cootrolling p«jwer here. Tuat such a course would be the most satisf«ctory solutiou uf tbe pre seut dithculty. there ean be but little doubt. 'lt wuuld be entireiy I iu accord witb tbe wisbes of tbe uatives, as it wonKl with tbe majority of foreigu resideuts. Tbe arguroent iu regard to the predomiuauce of German interests, bas iu this conuectioo, but little weight Those interests, under Britisb rule, wouKl increase in value to a coQsiderable «.xtcnt, <

inst*»d of dimini»hing as thev are andoubttvliy doing under the present imsettled condition. It is smcerely to be hoped that. altboogh there is nothing of a definite nature in the cabio news to whieh we have alluded, thev mean the lvgiuniug of the end of our troubious timee, and th«t ere long an era of peaee and proaperity will d*wn npon oor uland