Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — The Election. [ARTICLE]
The Election.
Evervbody is sick and tired of heariug more remarks ubout the eleelion Nevertbeless we eonsider it our duty to say something about the absurd aud ridicnlous article in this morning’s Advertiser about the contest of Mr. Klomme. Tho official organ oomes out oj>enly and statos that the Supreme Court has got no “business” in the raatter and that the Convention is the sole i»rbitrator in regard to a disputed election. We don’t know what isthe matter lutely with our j>hilosophical friend who runs tbe Advertiser. He is certainly not rational. He is certainly not wise. He is certaiuly a big fool. We have taken the trouble to look OA'er the election returns of 1890 and 1892 and we fiud that the AdverUser. at tbat time apj>ealod or advised to appeal evenj contestod electiou to tho Suj>reme Court. IV bat change has eome over Hennery s dreams? Or isn’t he droaming, but simply lying?