Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
POl'NI) MASTER*S XOTICE. N'oāi» is h«rebT tjiTen to ali perv>as, th*t th- re »re »t the Govera;nen; Poand *t Makiio, three *traved ni4Tvs an l one hotse 1 ;oor iv*n mare, {eet are white, hranied P Kon rght hin.l leg. 1 p»>r white »\re, 90»>b«ek, brandevi Non nght hinJ U-o 1 ;oor red niare, Iong whit» spot on tn« for ‘he*d, bnuidt?>i H E on right bind Ieg; ac>i 1 p>or red hcrse, bnu i in leaenhahie .vny person or persons owomg au mals are re> jneste>i to eoiu azxi lale ihe same on or before 12 o'eioek noon SAri'KDAV, MAV. \ 1S94. JAM£S KPKONA, Pouoii Msster. Makiki. Apr. 19, 1594. apr 2i>-ti Capt. Wm. Davies, h\'TER- /SLAND PlLOī FOK A;ay Port or Landing- iu the Hawaiian Islands. lnqnire at ofSco ol 3. S, Walkek ot« | Spieckel’s Eank. feb l4"tf. WM. DAVIES,i lRi«:ger, St©vedoro asd recker. KSTIMATE3 AXD CONTBACTS ON ALL KINDS oF WORK. Tb 0 Schooonor MAHIMAHI. will run regnlarly betweea this port and Waialua, Kawaihapai, Mokuleia, Keawenai and Kuiki on the >sland of Oahn. ClFor Freight, etc , applj to the Captain. Inquire at Offic0 of J. S Wu!ker, over Spreckels’ Bank, or Wright Bro? Fort Street.l dec lfi-tf T Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The above Store ha* receive<l another Splendid imo ee of JapANESE JSlLK, ANC Y JjOODS, Per S. S. “China." —COMrELSI.VO—BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dr<ss Goods in a!l shade, plain and fignred, Cnshions, Tab!e Covers, Bed Covers, Gown«. Chemises, Shawk. Silk Crape Rainbow Silks, AU Colors Faney Draperies, EBBE01DEBED HAHDKEECHIEFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Saahes, Jackets, Ca; s, Etc.. Etc. NOVELTIES: The Prices of these Ooods will a»tone>h yon inrlading ELECANT SILK KIM0N08! Handsome Cigarette Caaea. Pia Cushions, SUk Toa Coasies, L1RGE IND SM1LL JiPJIESE KCGS Silk UmhwHaa, light bat »trong: Chair Sa-.id!es. SUk; Bamboo Blinda, 6tred with puUey»; BUk Lamp Shadea, new stv!e. JAPA>EjE SCB£E.XS, From <13 Cp. L1BGF. J1P1SESE riBEELLJS r Can be Set with Pole In the grcaa4, , nieē for Pieaiea or Lm.-hea oat ol doon, they ean be openei oat or used aa * tent. COTTON CRAPES 1S GREAT VAB:ETV tyimspectioa Baipectfally Iarited. MM- J. P. F. COLLACO, Propri«treaa, ApeLKkn*