Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I=J. E, S( B^q IMPORTEES>>*D DEALERS IN Groceries, I 3 ro\*isions A5D Feed, gEAST CORN*ER FORT 4 KIXG STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Pactet frora the E*U'tern SUtes anJ Earop«Fresh CaIifotnia ProJu« by evety ste;imer. AIl orJers fa : lhfally attenJeJ ti, anJ Goxls JelivereJ to any part of *.he city FREE 0F CHARGE. IslanJ OrJers Soliiite«.I. Sat sfaction GaaranteeJ. Post Oiliee Box N'». 14-ī. Te!et>hone N’ . 92.

An Emphatic Hit! • DAILEY’S* Stock Company Praised by EverybOdy. SATURDAY EVEXIXG, The Octoroon. P rices 50c., 75c. anel $1, for sale at L. J. Levey’s rooms, corner Fort and Queen sts. ap30 Iw E't ibli.shed 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy FACTOilY BACKERY aal ICE CREAM PARLORS F. HORX, Proprietor. \ 1 Wedding and Birthday \ Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Gaava Jelly. , Factory and Store, - No. 71 King < Street. Both TeIephones 74 np28 LAB0E BDREAD. THE AMERICAN LEAGCE Begs lcave to annonnee that it has estabiished an Employment Barean in eonneelion with the American Leigue. We will be •] pleased to furmsh you with skHled or unskilled labor witbout any fee for the engaging such ? labor. The labor enrolled with us i» of the fol!owing nationali f; es . Amerie«* p. ..n, * ortuguese, Hawaiian, German, And other European Nationalities Begging leave to open a correspondence with you on this subject, We remain, Tour obedient servants, The Amebicax Leaoee EmploiMEXT BCRE.AU. Address all communications to THEO. P. SEYERIN, Secret.in*. mar 28-tf. P..O. Boi 498. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. Thb First-class Bathing Resort bas been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is tbe best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to Uy oS. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bour and on Saturdays and Sondays every fifteen minotes. e. J. SHERWOOD3 Propnetor.