Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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- ——————————————— Sandsy djuJ eoncert3 «re approacbiap perfermanee. Mr. T. i. Higgins and wifa left by tbe Alameda for their home in Chicago. The 'Ti«er 8 eonneil reports are becoming co!ored witn the nsnal | “family compact" whitewash. ■ Nearly ō.OOO bags of sugar ar rive*l vesterday jost in time for transfer to the out-going Alaraeda Tbe retnrns show that the Government received ?24.135.27, aml eipended ?66.402 G5 daring the week ending May *2ad. Mr. W. H Halstead aud wife, : of Waialaa sailedby the A!ameda ;on a continental trip. They will be gone aboot two years. Mr. Strain aud family, Captain Sinclttir, A. Pelkington. Rev. W. Horse£ill, Percy Pearce, H. H. Bridge, were the stop-over pas I soi gers by tbe Alameda. The Chinese iramigration biil i was considered iu eonneil yesterd.iv. It w.»3 amended by the striking out of the clause relating to “domestic servents and was j tben passed. Mr. W. A Swinnerton of the firm of H. S. Crocker & Co of 8«n Franciscj, who bas been corabining business with pieasure here for some weeks left by tbe Alameda vesterday. F0REICN HEW8 N0TES. A raovement is under way for the seizare of Samoa by Eugland. The “quality of mercy” is being explained by l nele Sam to Piexoto. Tho Aquidaban. Mello’s flagsbip, surrendered but was fired iuto und snnk by a torpedo; many werc drowned. A fight betweeu L T . S. marsbals uud raeuibeis of the D.dton gmg took plaee in Oklahama on tlie *20th uit., rcsulting in the killing of Dalton, and two of his men and two of the marshals. Tbe Princess Yictoria of Coburg and tbo Duko of Hesse were married in Berlin on April *20th Queen Victoria witnessed the ceremony. A woll-known soeiety lady of Aut\verp bas been arrested for poisouing ber unele, brotherand her sister. Her object was the obtaining the amount of tbeir life insurances. Tbere ara eight candidates iu the coming elelion for President of the French Pepuhlie. The United States will confer with Cyiada on reciprocity matters only tbrough the home goverument. It has transpired that tbe late Marnuis of Ailesbury wa» solntelv penuileo" t * -»» aud was main- ... oy bis sister, Lady Mahel S;evier. H;irry Laing a well-known heaw weight boxer of Auckl.»nd was ki!Ied by a train on April 13 He lately bested Goddard. B0NNIE SC0TUND. Kawaiahao Chureh, FR1DAY EYENING, MAY 4th, 1894 AT 8 O CLOCK. Mks. GANS will deliver her lecture on Scctland, il!ustrated w,th more than 1U0 beaut.fu) lanW*ra views of tbe Highlands Hiul LowLnds. nndertueHusp ces i of the Scottish Tnistle Clab. and , f r the benefit of its Reading , Room fund, at the above time aud plaee. Admission 50c; chi:drrn 5 ‘25c; with special rates to schools Tickets for sale on and * a£ter Weduesday morning at the bookstores, Tbomas Lindsay's jewelry store aud by members. mav2 3t ¥ 5 H. E. McINTYEE <fc BRO., k Gbocebt, Feed Stobe «fc Bakebt, l j Corner of Kiag aod Fort Hooolola