Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 104, 4 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LOOAL NEWS. Wind sonth todav; weather very warm. The 7’i.w is 8till bebeadiog people. — Sans Souci is prettj well fiiled □p w;th patrons. Ther-‘ is a pnsh for the plaee of Port Pbysician. The Gallagher trial is attracting large aadiences. The traraway’s bas is a mem< of fairly rapid transit — The Monowai is dae here from Saa Francisco on next Tharsday. Alakea street sidewalks are recei\ing mueh needed atteution. The stockholders in the Hawaii«n Cyclorama met this morn- | ing. The steamer Alameda sailed for San Francisco at 3 15 P. m. yesterday. Queena wasplayedat the Opera Houso Iast eveuiug to another larga audieuce. TI»e Minister of Finance is to have the Board of £ducatiou placed in his departmeut. A. W. Bolster of the Aloh Gallery, Fort street, has taken BOmeexceIleut loeal views ofllate. A uew sidewalk, with proper curbing is an improvement on the Waikiki sido of the Hotel grouuds. One of the loeal Smiths got iuto a fight with a man named liitchie yesterday and got “doue up ’ in two ronnds. Walter Moutais Gitfard Esq. has heen gazetted as «ctiug Coa-su:-Gonex-aI iu Hawaii for the Kingdom of Portugal. The batbiug op|/ortnnities at i Col. Sherwood’s Long Branch baths, |are mueh appreciated by visitors to tho Par.idise of the Pacific. Tobacco smugglers on the Alameda were captured bv Sydnev cnstoms ofiicers diirinc; the • O stay of the steamer in port there on her hist trip. The avorage temperature inHonoluln for the month of April, wns 73 degrees as noted from daily observations taken at 6 a m. uoou, and 9:30 p. m. The old wooden bnilding whioh has so long sheltered Mossrs. Allen k Robinson, situated on Queen street opposite Kaahumanu street, is being razed. .jndy Glasgow who went forward by the steamer Alameda was very mneh liked in Sydney. Sbe goes to England on a brief visit aud on returu to the South will remaiu over to see the Volcano. Mrs. C. B. Smith has withdrawn the authority giveu bv her to W. A. Kinney to aot as her nttorney in the cases of M>jection to the discharge of the adrainistrator of the estate of the late A. L. Smith. Purser Sutton of the steamer A!ameda is in snch a poor heallh that he intends to remain in S»n Francisco for some little while aml ende-avor to recuperate. His plaee will be laken temporarily by Purser McCombe of the Australia. Don’t forget the Bonme ScotUnd lectore this evening at Kawaiahao Church. The bauks and braes and streams aronnd the *iistorical localities of Scotia wiil be beautifaly.iilaskrated aod ab\y da90cibed.