Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Mayhem. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tli» *4f/n'rf,Vrco„tirn«tn‘ cnt c»f tlie f*tlitors of ii* »--t r' ■' .! co t-rt! <»r ir e« ” y-t ‘t -;>r> -t .*iv r fto : 1*1-0.;..c- t.‘ie |K#itr.1t of iU OW». ; plnl- 3;-hie«! eclifor. Tuc & !i.-d & sncccssfnl i.fceness of Mr. Castle i 1 iast I! gbfs iss :e as |, e s Wi; n in a. > rsy (panlU)': 'II od. Wt for;i 'ii tlie wor!«l to ■1 vii e ;» f Mr. C.ist e s | iC «i!1 . k w t:; ]j - | u-1 c!.»US9 b s {»:jSs--J :ii t:»e new const.tati»*n, •ud tue g r’> i • ol:tics.

J. ‘i C XEV s army of inuup» :s on i:> \v->\ to W ii>liington. He iis a M.ssilliOU (0 ) in.lliomiiwlio w.ints tlif g >vernme(H to is >uc ?■ ■ <0.000.00J t.f u<>n-daterust beari<.g bom!s (git;eubacks) l >r m J »mprovemt;nts. Ac«jord;ng t the lati*st rcpurts, be will luve 1000 at t e beginning ot < e m.iieli :m.l expects t!ie u unbevt<< |swdi 1.) 103,000 iis tbe eolumn ,ijv.my s tbr«>ugh Oliio ;tn i Peniao''Iv iuia. He certainly w.li «{ iie kceps to 1: > ]>resent ii;tcn [ tioa oi {e> «ling aml bmi>ing all wlio 2o, Tiii> e nl"U> inJivulaHi i r* I ’s Saal t<’ be aim::tg for the popu- ; list a -mm .iion f-.r president We baVO a ioeal c!iaraeter. wb» b.is ncver g t qaite as far as tbat lmt be is well u:> infi.t monel >cliet fs.bat heil.es uot org«:i z ! n r.ir.es ou fee,l prop >sili uis Ho’uei <s st»niuler tbaii C<*set. l)ut ti«<-n the fi>rraer has lqs> nimny tban the latter. An arry nf ti mi- > c«>uld ea>ily be 9ig(uized u< re. l»ut ’he p g. pe«j('Ie j b.ive tmgl<t them to expcctl>ay f r —notliing. I

b;:u>' //. ,v 'a.tif. i in' ■ «1 !>•«/•; n nj n::dl il. et ī.i »So