Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
• ■ • • , Tbe Iong lotVketl forwanl to protiautiou of Oaker‘ā fimou> tngnly Ff.incĪ!»ca ile lleami b.ta b*-ea set f* »r TU r> day eveuing u< xt. «ml t:i«a{re goer> wlio bave baeu «letUHud : l? 0 O pl \s of h b gli plaue are h ie aeeonleii thetr O|)portau ty Tue saie i'f seats will optn tomorrmv moruiiīg «t 9 n. m., .-«ml ja»lg ng fr«'Ui t!ie well S led reque>t *t Mr. Leve\’s. th>>se ubo Uesii» ohuiee se*t* bhou il be «>u b *uj oui.y. 1 Piioea $4 ; ō0i tl 00, ōOwU 1