Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — FOR FUTURE FEFERENCE. [ARTICLE]

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' I — ! Prtrrisiortal Gor9mm?!it Pointers on Yoting.

—— 1 The voter, itnmpdi.-ite’y ipou ■ ciitering tbe pi»ding-place. sh»Hj pmceed to tbe t ble •>! tbeCbair-: naii«if t ection and ti;ere uien-< < tif V hituself as entitled t > \ote. Tberenp«>n be sball rcceive frum tlie said eh 'innan a folded b.i!lot to vnte for deiegites. 2 I'iiraedii.telv nnon rece'ving 1 liis foided ba!lot froin the Cbairman of Eleelion tbe v<>ti-r mnsti go into o<ie of tbe ci>mpartments .md wi'.h tbe peneil pmvi«le*l in tbe eompjirtraeiit mark a p<j’ : >'< ; «»u tbe b»llot in t!i« rect mgul ii j sp»ce thereon prov.de 1 after tlou nue of tbe e »:idid »te or e mdi«l >tes f«»r wliom I»e v.it«*s, sliowmg how many votes lie casts foi eaeh cand Jite. 3. Tlie v.<ter is tben to re fo!d tLe ballot just as he rec -ived it from the Cbairman <>f Insj>ectors md tlms f-jlded tleliver it to tbc luspect<.r of El<-ctioc iu c!i.trg <>f tbe ballot bi«x īliemupmi tbe voter is t« leave tbe poliingl pl»ce fortwitli. 4 If tbe voterinadervprtenfl\ spoi!s tne b»ll.>t p»per be ma\ return it to tl»e cha>rra in of eleei>*n, wbo sball give liim a new b.»l!ot. No voter Nimll be alluueil ; to return to tlie ehainnaa. muie tbau two spuiled ba!l«<ts. 5. Tbe sum total of tbe figimor figures plaeeel on llie b i!lot : mnst not excr.ed lbe numbev of deieg>testo whiell tlie division I in whieh lio votes is ent tled. 0. Jf the vatrr plaee* nny 1 mark on the hallol by nhieh h,. he mny 1te inilenli/ieil, hi* vote tvih be voiJ, an<> the vute vilL iwl /«■ eounleā [l)»>cs not a figure le.ul to identity? E<1.] 7. No voter is alIowed to take a b:illot outside of lbe poil:ng , iilaee. 8. If tbe voter bands t > tbe iuspedor in cbarge of t!ie b»llot box «my otber b»liot th m tbe i <»ne given bim by tbe ehuinuau bis bailot sball be void.