Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
;UST ARRIVED. 5* P* Pl BiBY • CARR!AGES OF ALL STYLES, C/\i\PETS, R.uqs, r* IN TiiK LATL>T l* VTrERN‘S. “H0US E H O L D SEWiNG MfiCHINES U.VXD 8EWIXG Mai HIN} >. i V“AU Wii!» t<u* LVrs; !;i r » • PAKLOK Orc:ans, Guilars Axid Otht*r Mnaieal In>tmmonts. Wincs, Lii]uors, Beer J.VLWAYS;0N HA.VD, AXD FOR SALE BY ED. H0FFSC3LiEGER 4 00. King St.. op;x>. Cu-Ule .t Cook; 's Anchor-:-Saloon Ex ‘ AUSTKALIA." Another Invoice of the World Konowned FREOER!CKSBURG LfiGE8 BEER On dranght and by the keg. AIso, as a Specialtv, } Small Fresh Cauforn a I 0YSTERS. FO 1 1 COC KTAILS fe22 lm C3ias. T. G-ulick NOTARV PUBLIC For th« Islaml of Oahn. i Agent lo Take Ackaowle«lgmfcnts to Contracts. ■ Agent to Grant MAiriage Lictu ses, Honolaln, Oaha. Agent for tiie Haw’n Islan Ls of PlTT «k SC0TT 3 Freight aml P.ircels Expre5>s. Agent for tbe BcrlingtoQ Koute. - - . Bssl Es‘3te Brsfcr aii 3eaarāJ AoaI Bell Tel. 313; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: Xo. 3S MERCHANT EHxtsct Houolulu H. i.