Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I Business Cards M. L()SE, ZSTotarv Public. Colleetor and Gtneral Buatiness Agcnt. Patentee of Losk’s Ch>:mic.vl Coupor\D f>r C' ir> fjing Cane Juice. Sub-Agent Jor sevemī o/ the FIRE ĪXSUBA\CE COS. Mutaa: rel<?p*soJi« s. P. O. Pk>s .VS. lferrhiut s’r»t, T’ ■ DĀN jING 6LA88E8. D\\ LY >NS' DANVĪ\rt ri \S> <r l v ch.»us>e.l fr»m fhe Dri'.i. Sh> j> u, \riov Hali_ w ! >■i’h 'ae h si. i*« ■ f- r l 'Ej>DA\. THCBSDAY ua . SATCRI>AV . • week. T be S tnrhir • • •./ 5 ’ -■ ■ < 'r n . will meet.it th Ari. u !t I :.t - oVi vk t>itnr.l v uft >rn ■•i i. A- : 7 i. I Uu Tne>iRy r*v -ui is>. A;>ril IOti.. at * j o’eluek, :i ci.is-i wi!l he f..noe,l f»r Meu ,.n 1 ■ B »ys. Ōu Thnr«ihty :ift»'mw»t». at " « \>n! ‘ I-th, a _;>eci*»l o!.is» WiU l> • ī.niUeil for II.iw iin»»is. Ti>e eh >r*es for all Jay PnpiU wiU !k> Cū rents ;t loss.»a. Ou tiie ;»l*ove d «>-> "'•Tr. Ly m ean be seea at the liall from 9 u. 12 aooua’ _‘t Cltys. Meat Market Oppo. Queeu Emnw Hall, EstablisbeJ 1SS3. .108. TINKER, FAF-LY I biIjcHeA Makcr of thc Celebrated Cambridge Pork Saiisage ! Tky Them. \Teat DelivereJ to Aay Part of 11 1 e Citv aml Suburbs. Muiual Telepbono Number 280. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : lA. 1. GENERAL'm> Commission s:<- -*-¥ Merch:uits — AND — SUGAR FACT0RS. AGF.\TS FOP. LI.iy.ls :— Bntish »n 1 Foreign M«rine Insnrana> Comp>»ajr, l.uuiie i. Xorthern A-»araiice Co, tire & life. Pionc-er Liue of Paekeu froai Lfverjioi>l. Hawaiiau Liue uf Puckets. eanaliau PaciSi Rajli7]y Co. asd Caaaiiaa-Australii!i Mm'm Co. i Livekpocl Offick: The Alhaty. 01d Ua1TS;. leMU-.un 8RU0E & A. J. CARTWRiCHT Bosiness of a Fi luciary \.Uaxe Tr>nsacCed. Piompi *tteatioa pivoo to the m\twirement of Csutes, G tcr !unships, Trasts. etc.. etc., etc. 0JJiy!S, : Ca iicrig/>t Builiing, Merehant Street. Honololn. GHA3. G1RDLER, Imnorter anel Commission Merchant- * SPECIALTELS; J. k P. CoaU’ Meehiae Thtrad [ Jo»xis Brauks’ iLiehiae Taro*l B*rboar < Linan Tl»rewl > , Peir»’;Sorr • P.y. Ika iiS. !36 I j 13 Feei.aau«nn iMwL