Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

TtfĒ A W A,F\DED f A>nheuser-I3usch r3rewing' Co. Wim the l 3 rize at the "\\ OT*ld's JTair* with their liL VOJL lii J3rand J3eer. Sr Lons. Oct 28. 1833. Messbs. Macfablāns & Co., L’d, Honololo, H. I. Deur Sirs: —We Lave mailed you a copy of the Globe-D~:mocrat Hunouncing thegre»t victo»y won by t'ie ĀxiiBC3EB-IiDSH Assuclatio\ witii t!ie r “£AGLL ’ 13ruaJ of Bier. [bigued] AAHEUSER-BCSH BEWIA'G ASSOCIATION. I & AOĪ MAilK % 5s > crLB i; rrta % 3 £ $ £ <T IR1SHW> riu orJering tliis Beer besuretoask for t!ie “EAOLE’’Brand. M>r. 14—2md. \Lacfarlaiio & Co., A'ienl* fnr Hdv:aiian Islan<ls. AT THE CLXTB STABLES. “ CREOLE” 21,702. Racs Record; Fourth Hcat 2:15. Sire. Prompter, t>v Rl-o B'»l. 7.*>: iln, (}r:v?e. by Bneei'ieer, Pr>mpter is nls.i the Sire of Aj>ex, 2:2*5; Inn-il, 2::’8I;|V’ ilkw Wales 2:27 '; Chic>, 2:24: iind of the Dmis Briiliautine, ‘2:17 a:id V 4r, 2:2S. “C*sfole‘’ is iet bliclt, oue hind white foot nn 1 small str j>r in f‘ee. I,05D po:imls; is very stylish, gentle, ■ r> . £ Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. K.v>d pr.)dncer >n-l > g.»me nee <>rse, Will lr vū J f,, r a |imite1 uamVr of m.ires a t FIKTV (j.‘.UT DOH.A‘iS FOB T11E ShAS’JX, jiy.,ble at tiaio of »<;rviee. This horse «iu» bre 1 iu 1SJ2 to forty-six m.ires feb 17-lin iE SKAS'JX.I,rable at tidia . 1 aa 1 prjdao* forty-two 00. ts. D DAY1S. ORBWAT APORTER. Robinson Block , Holel St., bcttcn Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jvst Fiff vk1, ]tr I rle/n;4>. tl e .11 jfctt St< tk cf FUP» MTLTiE Ever lmj orted to t |Country, Comprisiug H2ndsom9 Carved Bedroom S;ts s In Kolitl Oak, andof th.c t MTESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAb ATTENT10N 1S CA|ED T0 TilESE SETS: \7VXCKLEn ;1^ARE, Be.iut ful D-s gns <>f iek r l(lre, eousist ug of S0FAS, CHAll»S, l»0ClvERS. elo.L.u pan get these in onv FIMSH v.n |sire. Countless numbers of CHAIBS. iu eTeitstyie, iucluding OFFICE aml HIGH CHAlS. S2:TBiTSIOI7 tABLĒS, We Li»ve tiaJ a nn'nbtr of c:»ll> for thes*Tabl«s, witii CHA1I1S tj m;»tch. « have now m s»k the most BEfiUTIFUL DIN1NG R3Cffl FU3N1TURE EVE1» SKEN HEJ Sideboards and -:-Chiffoniefb rr 33I"Vi\.3Xrs„-^s D vans covervd wth POHTIEES ire bec viinnqiiite the rage i l>Uce of LOUNGLS -we mamfacturd iiiim order, ar.d have 1 ...t u.innnie laige stock of FORTIEBS to sH ct from. nD3Di3srd. m a OW3. CRiB3, CR \DLES *tc. WINDOW SHADt\Sof all colors anj % s. CORTCE P.JLES, ia wo*vl or hr sst«j kmings. xs e zp.a. i 13 x , Mattresses, Loanges aui hIi l pbolstered FL<|tare repaired at r as<)»«ble r. te&. CABINET MAKINO. iu all 4s bn»ncUes, by C m>eaf> :t Workmen. MATTING LA D >rd Int nC DcOor-t. g a.uLmie Supervis.ou of />r,inotr ORTltl' 1 V !Mt OEORGE ORDWAY. j Our G»H.ds :<re F rst C1 sj, an»l riur pr;ces ai 4ie Iowest Come 'ie ted PHOXE3: and be o nviDOtd —a trLl is Be 1 525. t: lv/RDWAY PORT£B. So 1»ut'iai &4ō. Biock, beivet. Tor; and Nuoanu