Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Biisiness Cnrds MACFARLANE i C0. Lkalers in Wlne$ and Spirits Kaahumma Sire«t, Honolnla. H. F. BERTELMAJNN, OONTBACTOR AND BCILDER,' 8G King St, Bell Telcphone 107. F. H. EF.DWARD. CX)VTR*OTOR asd BCn T 'ER, No. .\06 Kinti Street. Oonolu'u Hawaiian Isl!infls. HARB'SOS BROS.. : »r < ovnurroRs and bcilder«, 208 Fort St.. Eonolnlu. M II I.OHEl DE 8IGN AKD ORNAMEXTAL P.V!NTEK. [H .twaii.ni IIardware Co.] All orders proinptly attended to. liel' Telepb 'ce 381. I’. O. Box W. W. WR1GHT SON, Carria(j2 and Waqnn Jinilders IN ALL 1TS BRAKCHES. 79 and 80 Kmg Street, Honolnln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST.^3 Corner of ,King and Bethel Sts., Cpstairs, * Entrance on King Street. Office IIocrs—From 9 a.m. to 12 m.. 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays excepted. PAC1F1C 8AL00N, Ck)rner King and Nuuann Streets. EDW. VTOLTF.R Manager. The Finest aeleeiion of I.I JUORS and BF.ER, sold anywhere in the town. Firet-dass aUemlenee. Cull and jndge for yonreelf. no 80-tf. J. rHILLlPS, PRACTICAL PLCMBER. GAS.FITTER C0PPER-SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honoluli. “FAT BOY.” BAY 8AL0ŪN ! P. McINERNY, Fkoprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corsrr Bethel and Hotel Sts. 1 W.W. WRIGHTiSON | 4 V 1 Carriasc dWap Bilers o o In All 1ts Brancoes. Horseshoeing ’ 1 A SPECIALTY. 97 aad 80 King St., Honolnli - KW0NG SIRG GH0HG i Gd CorLtractox B\xilc3.e; R iPainting, <fcc. We also keep on;hand Bedsteāds. Mā t TRāSSES. Tā3LES. Bookcases MlRR0RS Etc A1 ĪHE L0WEST l/ARKET PRlCt Noj 21G.King st. Uouolulu 3a