Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHKAI J FURNITURE ! T15lG F4T & Ccm*T e! King Betbel fc»ts,, Hunolnln, Otfer a larg« »JiS'»rt ient of fiae aud d- sirub e FURMTURH, wLieli tl»**y s»*ll «t h v ry fignre. ds B»»re:ius. Me t Safes, Wanlrobes. etc., at pi iee» to su't evervboily. Call auJ iospect for yonrselves. ra rl2 VING FAT <fc C0. MAp-VU-^O^A JTST RECEIVEDfn<n> lAI’AN S« v oral K;ud of CoLton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts io diflerent quuhties. 1 t(reat Asgortment of porceIain Teu Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and in»ny Curios suituble foi Cluistraas Gooda. 411 KING Sir.EET, Eouolnlo. TtlfrLor.«ii, IV11 474. T.O. Tr'i "S6. Uniuiil 544. n<>!3 Im Criterion Saloon FFR AUS'lBALIA. anotber lnvoice of tbe celebrated JOHN \VE1LAND Exp*A PALE «I LA.qE^ BEER. Also, a Fbesh Invoice of C,\LlfOpi/\ °T s T EE l s OY s T Et l cockt\ |l s L. H. DEE, Proprietor. ,Sans Snnci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UUNOLL'LU. Firsi-C/ass Aeeommooations for Fourists and lsland Guests SUP£Rf0R BATHIHG FACIUTIES. Pnrste Cottages for FawilieS. I T. A. SIMrS05i. |Ua»Qer.