Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHEAP FURNITURE ! YIX(T F4T Go, Conser of Kirg tnd Uolhel Sfs.. Uono’uia, OtTer a lar<r>* neut cf auJ dtsinab!e FUK.MTl'K 15, I whieh th«*y sell at a v- ry low fig«iv. Bumtns. Me-.t Satrs. \Vitrvl; i Īh s. etc.. at l'*ices to suit ever\ ho«ly. Cail au,i iospect foryourselves. unr 13 VING FAT & CO. JUST KECKIVEl)froni JAt*A.N Sev»ral Kind of Co.ton Crape, Latesi Styfe of Shlrts iu ditTereut qanhties. i of porcelain Toa Sets a Specialty J.ipaneso Lnnterns and mnny Cnrios suitab!e for Chiistinas Goods. 411 KING STr.EET, Donoln!n. Telefboiww, Pell 474. P.O. Eox .fSf. Uulniii .»14. e.il.1 Im Criterion Saloon ■ - — PFIi AUSTRALIA. another Invoicoof tlio celebmted JOHN WEILANU EX T pALE si LAqEF^ beer/ Also, a Feesh 1xvoice of C/\LlpOF^NI/\ OYSJEP x S FOK Q Y s T Et l 0 O e KT AILS ' JL. H. DEE, Propr;ctor. ,Sans Snnci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UUNOLULU, T m i First-Class Aeeommooations for fourists and lsland Cjcsts S UPERI0R BaTHING FACIUTIcS. Pn,ate Cottages for FamilieS. . t. a. M«aager.