Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 102, 2 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
83NNIE SCOTUND. Ka waiahao Ch u rch, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 4th, 1834 AT 8 O CLOCK. Mks. GANS w 11 del'vcr her ! 'ect'ire on Scotl*i d, i!!uatr.(t«d w tli moru th.m luO be;iut f il l:iut>rn vie vs of the II g’ilands aiiil Lowl<nds. nn.l -rtlie »asp ces nf the Sc<*ttisli T;iistle Cl«l>, iind ; f r tbe b-netit of its lleuding Room fu- d. ut the nb ive tune nud plaei. Adin : ssim 50j; ehi dr n 2 >c; <vit'i s eoial rates to schools Tick ts for sile on nnd after \Ved >esd iy uiorn ng «l th»* bookstor s, Tnomas Ltndsuy's j ‘\velry stora aud by meinb.rs. niay*2 3t NOTICE. Fr*m a d »fter lhis d ite. I wil! p v NO DIU S oontr<ctcl : n my nnm *. with >ut my writte > order. Sigutd : A. J. CART\VRIG‘JT. up23 1 w H. E. McINTYRE & DRO., GnocEnt, Feed Store A Bakeet, Corner of King an<l Fort Sts., Honolulu Long Brancli |BATHING Establishmcnt. i ThisFir;»t cluss Batbing Iioaort bus l>eeu eulurged aud is now opeu to tbe pcbiic. It is tbe best p'aee oo tue islands to enjoy a bath aud tbere is uo better pluee to Uy o± Speciai aeeoml modatioas for Lad<es. Tramcars )M8.s tbe door every hai{ bo irand on Satnrd «ys aud Sundays every fiitecn uiiaates. O. SH£RWOOD Propriet «r.