Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — From the South. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

From the South.

The Holomua pnblisbed a very interesting !etter whieh appeareJ in the Xtv: Yn}'k- rime* frora the| pen i.f D. H. Chamberlain, cxgovernor < f South C.«rolina. Tiie: letter raised n stonn of inJigna-j tion from tlie jingo press in Ara j | erica, and Mr. Cliamberlain w:isj persoually ciitic;zeJ nnd nbnseJ.j To sho«v who he is. we print thb| fo!lovving eJitorial frorn the Xevos aml C>urier (S C.) whieh may ii terest to t!>ose who have read Mr. Cliamberlaiu’s escelleut arg-| nments: UAWAII AXD SOCTU CAROLIXA. t\’!ien or.e throws a brck at a J >g aiul the dog howls there is re >S‘'n to believe tbnt the Jogj h>is beeu hit aml hnrl. lt is by • tlus uieUi al uf mJnctive reivson i iug that we conclndo tliat thej New York Sau aml the New York j Tribnne imve been Uit und linrtj l>V es Governor Chiimberlain’3 excellent review of tlie Huwaiian situittioii pnl»lished in the New York Titnes on Tnes«lay »nd ro produc>-d iu The News mul CourI >er t>i«l<iy. B >tli t!ie Snn »ud Tnbuuo were parties t» t!»e Steveus conspi r<«cy, or »»t leasl tliey Wer« nccessories nfter t!ie f.«ct. If they did n>»t help tlie tliieving carpet-t» >gg«'rs ut Houoluln t«» ste.i! Haw.-iii, tliey lmvd nppl»nd-j I e«l their rascubty «nd song’«t iu evepy p >ssii»le way to ai«l thera in hol<iMig 011 to tlieir plmuleiL if i tiiey d d C'!iiuiiit the erimo tliorash1vc3 11 1 ey are tryiug to d.vert tho pnblic ntteution from the criioin «fs by frai>t.c sbouting for the old ti tg nnd ‘ iibnsing o!«l i Cleval-«iid.’’ lt wus n"t to be expected tbat they ,won!d ponnil Mr. ClMiuber!uin’s letter to p«ss \vitiiont severe crtticism, not of i the letter itself Lmt «>£ its wnter. They nmke no attempt todisprove j his st:«tesment. tliey do uot meet f,icts witii facts nor argnment | \vith argnment, th y d«» n«»t say wuerein Mr. Cbamberlain has env«l in marsh «lliiig his evidence aml in renebing his conclnsions i —they ansvverliis exposore of tlie carpet b«g consp r«cy at llonoluiu by s«ying tliat he was a cnrpet-l»ugger hiiuself some t\ventv yc.«rs «go. Tlio <Siiii s iys tbat “this is D. H. Cliamberlnin,” who for yoars wasassoc»ated “witli Soott, Frauk M ■ ises, John J. Patterson uudj ! utheis «f ma'o«lorous memory,” aiul qu<«tes oue of his letters to Mr. Kiinpion; and the Tribune rernaiks tli t “D «niel is a deposed ruler bimself’’ and that his position as G«»vernor «>f South C «roliua nbout seveuteeu years ago, “resembled in several nnportaiitj p:ut'cnliirs" th «t of Mrs. D »ioinis, 1 «te ■ Queen of H iwaii ” All tbis is uf course very s«nart a<«d very funny; but it <loes not in any way atfect tne force of Mr. <!liauiberl «tu s st.l«-uient, nor pr«»ve that the revi»lnti««n iu Hawmi was nut the w«>rk «>f the carj»et-bagger3 in tbe Isl:«iiils, .«ided aml Hbetted by tl;e Unileil State3 Mmister aii«l raariues, aud th «t Mr Clerelaml is n«»t right in his efF»rts to 3 «ve llieUuileil St«tes G<>vernment fr««ra tbe repro.«cb of the Steveiis ste il. The fnct that Mr. CliamberlHin was Guvoruor of S >nth C.«n»!ina s*.‘vcutecn years ag>» has nothing • t» do with the cn»e. He is uot ou trial. Lis uiheial c>>nduct ia this . St«te w«s uot «ua le the snbjt»ct | of uvestig «tiuu even when party spint r ii !nghest; bat if « p«r.«!lel conld be drawu between tbe silo«ti«n in H«w.«ii and the | situ.«t«ou in S »nth C«rolina seventeen years ag«>, the San woal.l be • 8ilenced. it heifH-d to drive 1 Chai«»berlain oot uf Soath Ca»o- : lina becanse it maintaiueJ the right «»f the j»eop!e of this State t«» g «vern theuise!vos with->nt iuterferwuce ffo-u tiie United St«tes Guvernaieut. ll shoald not u «w ( wtlh liohi frO‘o t!ie pe»p!e'of| H.iwaii wtj >t it cl»*i«neJ fur lliei | peopie ot Sc«utii C «mlin.a. Au l i«s for the Xew Yurk Tri -1 16u«*,surely it no right to *ny um wwj4 io r*du)ak? oC % f \

ehamHeHain as “adoj>nsed “mler himse.f.” or m cnticism of his l«olitical c«reer in Sonth C*fūhn«.« He cvi e here ia the naaie of th«Trdmne * paity, anJ be w.«s snst«ined in power bv the nrmed f'«rces of the Uaited States j GuvernmenL "W'hen the troops vrere n«tb«lrawn bīs gorornmeut failed; if the troops b«d nol b*eu ; emp!oved at Honoīnlu tbe i Pruvisional Governraent wonU never have been est«blisbed. As we have sa d b«»wever, it is . not tbo CharaberUio G*3vernment in South Carolina that is on tnal bnt the Provisi> n«1 Governmeut of Uiwaii, auJ Mr. Clinniber!ain’s j argurneut in supj>ort of Mr CieveI land s policy isso cle.«r aml so c>nclnsive that it cauuot be ob-; scnred or discredited by passsionate declam.«tiuu or amasing 1 ineevancies.