Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Mb. H«nry H. Wells who is at preseut iu town as a politiatl visitor bas never been Goveruor of Virgioia by rea»>n o£ ihe voice of tbe people. The geuiSe.nau ; \*as. on «eeoaai of the secession trjables, placed io poait ou by j the peca)uur po:it eol laiiaaaoea 1 um2or tbe 1
V\ he*ier regira£. a Repcblīcan sapecaiiify wljicb.vr is aml aiw.iy> wi!l bs. a blot apon tbe esca j le'ieon of Americ»n politics, and • w.ig s:raplv a rallitanr goveruor i wir g ivera >r. or “carpgt big- , ger" whieh iofesteJ S->athern st.ites “»fter the wnr" Mr | Wellsisa n.»tire of New York ist«te :»nJ Yirgini«ns mty be i , pronJ th *.t tbitStitethe“ Mother : of PresiJents’’ is not uame.l as the hirtiinl ee of mie who associates w i11 1 .lectnrts before, secret Araer,cna Le.«gne or h .bnots with pe' ple wl.o are aiining to be rev >lutionists aaJer the <taspices iof Uae e S un.