Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 May 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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— Is rr jx>ssible that the J<fivr . li* r really «nd honestlv meaus lf to«dvocate the grantinf; of the ' voting frauchise to womeu in ; Haw.āi. Wouluu’t it be better j , to wait untii the esperiment Ims l>een tned ia Mr. Castle’s be- . loved Gerrunrty or some other civilized countn ? Hawai» and * the Hawaiians accordiug to h:s | own stitemeut are yet in a st-.te of semi-civi!tZatioa and semibarbirism. Tbe exj»eriiueut might be too risky bere. But tleu •'Henneiy” hasn’t mueh hair lo j be palled.