Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THe x i^DED, A nheiiser-T3iisc]i. Br*ewiii2: Co. Win : tho X 3 l*ize at the '\V’ovlc| , S I*\lil* wwli their I EAGLi*i J3rand X3eer. Sx Lons 0- t 23. 139;j. iMessbs. Macf.vp.lane & Co., L’p, Honolnln, H. I. Dear Sir*: —We lmve maileel you a copy of the G!obe-Democrat annouucing tuegreit vietory w j'a l»y t!ie An.ie; .<lp.-Bcsh As.sociatiox with tii«sr ‘ £AGLL 13raml of L»eer. [Signeti] ASHEUSEB-BDSH B£WIN6 ASS0CIATI0V. A $ & <9 5. «K % -■ ;> >9 rr * § 33 ■ 3 M £ 9! & 4i f»-īn onīering this Ueei be sure to ask for the ‘ EAOLE” Braud. JMacfarlane & Co., M«r. 14- 2md. Agent» frr Huwniūin īslands. AT THE OLŪB STABLES. CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. * Made at Stockton, Ca!. Sept. 23, 1893. Slre. Prompter. 2,303 l>y Hl-e Unl'. 7">: D.un. Omee. hv 2 8*>6 Pmmph is alu thv Siiv i Apev. 2:26; Tmnsit, 2:26., W.ilker 2:2:1’,; \V,ilfs. 2:27 : CUio > 2:2 ..•i.l • i1, . T 1 .... 1 >... M .i I i .1 i > 7 ... m.i of the D>um Br»lli*atine, 2!7 »nd ViBor. 253. ••Ōkwh.*’* ia iet &»ek. ouē hin< vhite f.vjt ai l ~»i 1111 sir pc iu f.,ce. Weight. 1,030 ponnds; ii very stvlish oenUe . .V ! " ce^ „ ,I, ' , :1 »•»“*“ ruv ' W ĪH 8tnn l f.»r a liuiited nainW of mam'» HATV ( .><. D>iI LAUSFORTaE S ; ,A S '0N, p.iy.ible nt tnue of servioe. Thi. hors. aus uretl iu IS92 to forty-six niares aa i proJuce l forty-two cj ts. feb 17-nn 13 HDAV1S. 0RDWAT A P0RTER. līohimou Bloch, Ilolel Sf., helween Fort and Xnnann, Have Ji>t rcf«3>d.]n lnle tl eJt if <‘l tl. tf FUB >!Illl;E Ever Imj 0rtcd to t' is Conntrv. Coniprisiug Ha ndsom2 Carvsd Bedroom Ssts In Oak, andof th.c LA TESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED T0 T.:ESE SETSWICKER ’WAIiE!, Be;»ut ful D -s gus "f \\ ;c!< -r M ,ire, cousist m of S0FAS, CHA111S. IU)CivERS. etc.,y .u eau get thesa in any FINI5H vc» i desiro. CHAIRS, CoantIess numbers of CdA( RS. iu «-verv stvle, iucluding 0FFICE «nd HIGH CHAIRS. BXTE1TSI01T T^DB:īDES, We b;«vo h»d a unmber of calls f>:r these Tabl*>s. with CHAIRS tj match. We h*ve now in stock the raust BEAUT1FUL DINING R30M FURN1TURE EVER SEEN HEEE Sideboards and -:- Chiflfonier» DI -\TA. D’vans oover»hl with P0ETIERS are becoraing qnite the rage in plnee of LOl NGES *w« m inaf ietnre theio to order, and have a laige stock of POBTIEKS to sel ct*frora. BZDDIITG-. Gre >t Assortmeniof W0VEV WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hiir. \Ioss. W miI und Straw M ou haml aud m.»de to order. IJLVE GEESE FEATHERS *ud S1LR FL0SS for PiPo*s. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. WIND0W SHADES of »11 colors and siz s. PJLES, in wood or br ss ti i umings. 23 E II5I1TG-. Mattrcsses, Lounges snd all Upholstered Furniture rcpaired at n tes. CABINET MAKINO. in »11 īts brHnches. by C'»m‘pea*»nt Workmen. MATTING LAfD «raī Int rior Decorjtii>g under the Saperviaiou of Mi. GE0KGE 0UDWAY. Our Goi«U «re F rst CLss. aod r.nr priees are tae lowest Corae and be e nvinced —a trial is s>ho : te»l. BeU 525. telzphoxes: Mntn»i 645. 0RDWAY A P0RTEB. EoUioaoa Biook t betveeu Fort *&4 Nnoa&u