Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEAP FURNITURE ! VJXG F4T * Cq, Ccrnpr cf Kirg >-ml Bcthel H< i.oluln, OfTer a large hss >1! neot of fine and U< airab!e FlRMTUBi:, whieli tli« y «11 «t hv< ry lrw £g- , nre. Ii.-ds.te: ds. Lni>ans, \Ie. t haf«-s, ardnil>es. ttc., at piices to 8int evervl»ody. Call and insj ect for yoorselves, mir 12 VINGFATACO. VAfK-YD^O0pā JUST t> KECKIVEl) from UAPAN Kind of CoLtcn Crape, Latesl Style of Shlrts in ditferent qauhttes. | L|refit A$ortmeiit of porcelain Tea Sets a Sf>ocialty Jupanese Lanterns and rofiny C»rios suitable for Cljristmas Goods. 411 KING 8TKEIT, Hoeolnln, Ttlfj.koi)ef, Ffll 474. H.O. P<'J 7S6. Mmnol 544. n<-'I3 Im Criterion Saloon rrn australia. another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN W’E1LAND PA.LE ■ LAqEF^ BEER. Also, a Fresh 1xtoice of C/\LlpOE\Nij\ oysjef\s FOR OYSĪE^ COOK|\(LS L. H. DEE, Proprictor. ,Sans SDiici Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, HUNOLULU. First-Class Aeeommooaiions for Fourisfs and IsJand Guesfs SUPER!OR BāTHIRG FāCILITIES. Prirate Cottages hr FamilieS . ;T. A. SniPSON, Hmmw*