Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 Mei 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

\\ t E. S( Bfjq ihportees;axd dealers in Grroceries, I > roA’isions ASD Feed, EAST CORNER FORT KING STS. New €roods Rec'd 15v ev»»r.' P frcna the E;istern States aml Etirope. Fre>ii C.i! fornm I’rrKiuce by everv >to r. A1T orJers f » t')f ;llv itton !o.; t>. «n ! (»> -S h'!ivere\l to an part of the city FREE 0F CHAKGE. ♦>!\n1 Or l 'rs S >1:.*.: |. S»t >: ction Gn.ir.iutt Po'" O* : co llo\ N • 14o. Te ! -». !ione N■. 'h2.

Thoroughbred OOQS for Sale 1i TiIE ENGL1SH SETXER *M lonolulu Girl,” Bred .;t t’»o Glenmnre Kenne >, Berkeley, C «!a. K N A. L\. U S. 13.. N w Y ri. * Si)td by 1m I’.. vianer .■>( Derty th«' P*;! citio C’ ■. •• F,r' i 1 1 1 P. . 1 i'i IS he l>y F.o hti' 0.4',0. trinj P y'.l -II 2,18.>), ’ Roii ■•7, the - re •>( i ee 1« . hy l'oo !>.. fr>» K D . ;t.7l >' (nii ’ uvlt:ā II l«iT>] ! Rtke (‘-12; fr >m PhjVi-- -»7». ' j The ilaii. o( H->a la n lirl w;is Rrlle Glul- • ■. tba • i:iīy L»nRhteT oa tho P.«eifio, : Co i-t <>( i'li.i u-iiiia l.l i ’.-t >ae . 117t>; fp>a» , ; 7vll, ;.'t. > bv Dra, [l,33U], (rom Ch>«nt- j ; piou IV; el, ]>,4'27j. THE POINTER * Honolulu T)uke/ r30,S13' 1:1 at the Slial)b u.i Keu: : els. Ott«wa, l'l. hy Oev.>us , »ire S .n, iT.Sl.7i; frotn Shurlw. I (5.253'. l' ie Dim fII> i »1 u!■ i D ike is ! Heiie, by luek; frjm B-Ue D. by Triukett’s j Honoiuln Duko is t l orongl»lv br ke t :i plio>s»nts. wi:h st.uacii po nts —«n all-il >y t! g F>r f inher p.irt;cul »rs. apply to or adJress W. M. CUNW1N3HAM, mar 10 Anvhof. S.vloos. Long Brancli BATHING Hstab!isi'.ment. ThisFirst-cl.»ss Bathing Resor1 j ’i «s been eularged and is no« j j apen to the pub!ic. It is tht ; best ]> ee on the isiands to enjo\ i a bat!i und there is no bettei ! plaee t: lay oil. Specia! aeeom- j i mo«l.iticns for L»dies. Tramcar> j pass t!;o cl<»or e\*ery ii.iii ho :raiul | on S ininl iys aml Suudays evcn dfteeu 0. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor, 11B0S BBEE4D. THE AMERICAN LEAOIE B>-gs i:uve to «nnuonee t. at ;t li;is »*>r il» :shed :.n F opl vrn-nt 1 Bare iin e-mneeUon with tlie ( Amen< an Le «gn«. W e wi!l be ' pleased t > furuish you with skil- ! Ied cr unsk«lled iabor \v;tli«> t: t«ny Lo for tho eng«ging »oc!i | > 1 ibor. Th- abor enrolled \vith os is i of tiie followiug u,it.oualit;es: Amcrican, P iitngueso, I « T H w.iima, • Gt r:uan, And ot. er Europeaa N >tionalitie> I3egz ag le «ve to open a c<>rres|«ondeuco wilii you on this sabject, We remain, Y:ur obed;eiit servanta, s The A\:fp.i.; .x Lz.\gls Ekil y ME.N7 BCKEAU. A ldr-ss all conam'iniciti-)ns to IIIEO. P. SEVERIN, f Secretiry. mar 2S-tf. P. O- 15ox 193. I WANĪEO. ABRIOHTBOY MUST H.WE »i ho:-;o to d • v-r nevspapers. Ap;- ! y :;t tlie HOLO.ML'A OF I FIUE, Xuoiaos R.owk, K.ug i tf.