Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 101, 1 May 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
Tiie AJvertiser wlio catcbcs a persons eve asn*: y w.n-; a : cnstonier. M iny J ii- v :.t >ty!es of »dvertisirg h.«ve been a>!«»j*tevl nml witb more or le>s >:tcc>l >>, l>v tbe believers iu the r.s<‘ «>f pr.r.-: ters ink. The nian if «ctnrers «’f Pears So;«p. {« r iiistance. ch'c.«s; »n ally bny paintiogs tlmt h«ve ! b*?en on exhib.t:ou in the P iii’s Salon and lmve litbogr«phs ma«Ie fiom tbem for the pnrp»sa «>f jbringing thelr pr »J ct bef >re the |>eople. I:i aJ.lit«on t» snch j . siJe issnes, PearspeuJs UuuJreJs | thous«niLs c-f dollars annatil!y ! among the ne\vsp «j»ers aml u».ig ! ;«z:nes. Some years ag »t!u?.»gents : «>f cert.«in artic!e on salo m N w i*ork in .«le a hit iu a«lvert siug by I having un Bro.«il>v,«y «l,:riug l».is j uiess hours two f,idaess!y dn-ssod Negroesweuiiigverv !iig ic >ll ir>. i ° |ou the b «cks of waie’i w«s j»r u - ; te.l “Use S uiths P.lls.” Tle jido« was uovsl niul t!«e p;il»lic i«’ iuglit on. Ii.si>ig Sin Stove Poiish lias l»9o i kept b‘foro the pnhiie L>r ye.«rs through j>ersisteut, and soraetiraes expeu>ive i H«lvertising. Twenty o«l l ye«rs| ago tho mamifacturers of th s l>olish started lmlf a dozen men across the onii neul t» p i:nt s gn> ou rocks aml fouces The Aer- | tuotor Co., of Cbie igo lmvo in j creaseJ its sales im»re than fivt i hnndred per cent in two years I >y j tbe use of |»rinters iuk. Wej beheve we h «ve beea instrnmen t «l in increasing the s les of tlu Aeraotor by keepiugcverlastir.g’\ at it in Huwaii. M*e do not wish to say th «t n«l vertising will sell any manufac tnred article; tl«ere is no us« ; spending ui »uey in a«lvertising ’eheap aiul nasty” go»Js be canse tlie i>c<»j>!e will n«»t be homl winkeil. lf Havil,»nJ eiiinii vv;i> uot the su>»erior ;«rticlo it is, al! our mlvertising-of it wouU no h«ve so!«l the thousan ls <>f j)iec>.‘i tliat we bave. We sīraply c«l tlie attentiou <>f tho poi-pie to i: ;iud its saperiur qnality is apj».»i ent to tho cnstomer <lirectly i. j»iece of it is exaraine«l. Piinters iuk hashclpeJ the sal« »f tlie Jaines LockeJ Fence bu t wonU n<»t h »ve «lone? so ;f »t lm< heenasfliiusy as the<>r «lin»y wir« fence. Fir>t; the ecun<»my ther« is in bniIJiug it recommend īt to the j>liiitation inanageran< then its Jurability c!mches tb« the s.«Ie If tlio stays an«l wasb ors cost as mneh as an onlin «n reJwo»J post onr s«les of tiu >uaterial wouU n>«t lii«vo reaobe( sncii enormous proportious. Onr average salo of the Pans j lroa Stove is <«bont two a J iy tlu i year ronaJ. If was not th* best iron st<»ve on the iuarket w< wonl«l not sell tb.«t m:«ny m si> months. Alvertising is the tij t>thepnbl:c the gooJjKiiuts.ii thearticle seils it ju«t hs the go<>«' j «jna ! ities of the Fisjlier Stee ! Uange renke it ;i Jesir «ble articl« : f->r people wb<» wish toeconjm;s‘ i in UiO use of fuel. We bny on!y what has pr»vet j »<>oJ after people in tho Uuit» i -i*ates or E ir»j>9 h «ve given it >• ! trial; we profit bv t ieir experinc» ! if llie nrticles are g>»ooJ we bav »nd sell tbem; if tliey are pooi ! we steer cle »r of thera. When we advertise an article it is to at tract atteutioii to it; the news 1 j»aj)er is the l»utton we push. th« j Kii«?sniuu Jocs the rest. Persistent advertising eonplei'; -vith the nrt c!d beiug a S',iper««>i »nn b«s s»M ttioas »iiJ-< of tl»e Frank W.«!cot E oory Fi!e. If it *ihJ been no b«tter t-»an an or Im «ry scythe stone we prob«bl\ wunU n«»t have s»U twenty \A heu a man fintls ont tbat his table knives may l»e kej»tsh.rp a: »U times at an expanse of fifty :cents anJ a very little etbov* gre «se be is qnit<» willing to tr_> tba eipenmenL Tas Einiia fiarivars Ci, 3SH