Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — A Neat Design. [ARTICLE]

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A Neat Design.

3Ir T. LSndsav,tbe well-known jewe!ler on Fort Street, has devised a new Jesign especiallv adapted f»r the use of Lnyalists. It is tiie ILiWaiian co.t of arms ; in g'>U, extremely neatly done, und maJe b»th in sl:ape of scarfpins. sleeve-links or buttons. The | verv reasonable prices charged bv Mr. L;nJsay makes it possib!efor i nearly eveiybody to obtain an ornament o{ this vury approj>riate ' and very tastefal Jtsign. Go and see it «hJ yon will buy. }