Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — The Mayhem Trial. [ARTICLE]
The Mayhem Trial.
f A large cr»wJ gathered at the poliee cuurt this morningto listen I to the trial nf Gallaglier, Brown and AVilson. There were two eharges against tlie first named. The first oue was mayhem to wuie'n t!ie defeiulant ple.ad not gu:lt\’, and whieh was continned till Thursday tlie 3rd inst. To the second charge or assault aud battery, he p!ead gniltv. and was tint J 00 aml costs $3 00. The case aguinst Wds»n anJ Brown, \vere coutinued t;ll T!iursday, botli defenJants decliniug to pleaJ Mr. Cecil Bru\vu aud C. W. Ashford for defendants.