Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Hobson's Choice. [ARTICLE]

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Hobson's Choice.

T1jo A<herti'(r is always fair and ja>t. Every d.»y biings forward a new proof of these sterling qualit;es in the ruor.il und l virtoos government orgm anu the community is proud of b;tving maeli a sheet. Look at tlie treatinent by this just j)aj)fcr »{ 0. B. Wilson. A whiie ago Mr. Wil«ou intsrfered iu a peiuling figbt at the Hotel and the Adrertit>cr how!ed, and foamed : and in r ghteous indignation stigraatized Wilson as a coward. A few ri’glits cgo a fight took j laee at tlie Hutei inthe j>reseuce ;of Mr. Wilson. The Advertiser c!aiios that Le cli<in’t interfere 1 aud with the consistency for whieh the oAieial orgaa is noted it foamed anJ howled hik! calleJ him a coward. T.tke that hat np aml “yon get lickeJ, or leave and yon get licked.” This is evideut- !\- the maiu piineiple iu code of the just. fair aud muial moruiug paper.