Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Off His Nut. [ARTICLE]

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Off His Nut.

■ ... i ■ — Tbe editor of tbo Adverliaer ■ tries in a special nrtide for tbe | l>enefit of his readers abroad to nianipulate tbe registi«tion £gnres so as to make it appenr , tbat tbe anuex«tion party bas won a victory. Ou tbe face of i( tbe «ttempt is puerile if not frauduleut The Adcerlistr cannot j deny tbo fact tbat tberc were at tbo Iast election 14.113 registered voters. And wo presume tbut it i will not deny tbe fact tbat when j nll the retnrns are in tho total i number of registered voters will 1 not exceed 3000. ls it possibie tbat tbe official organ will elaim ; tbat tbe 11.000 not registering 1 tbis tiiuo baven’t paid tbeir taxes? lf so our system of tax-col!ecting must bnve become extieiuely ; }>oor siuce tbe advent of tbe p. g i Fnrtber more tbo Adver(Ī8er ignoros tbe fact tbat a very large portion of tbe persons registered now would not be qnnl fied to do j so undt*r onr constitutioual gov ernment because tbey haven't lived long cuough in tbe country. Why, every fellow wbo arrived tbree niontbs ago and got a job in tbe aruiy is entitled to register i under tbe p. g. rule' lf a legiti mate eieoliou bad boon beld tbis year the total of legitimate voters wonld bave been copsider«ble swolled by tbe addition of uli tbe I young men wbo bave heeonie of voting age since lStb2. The .dd rrrtiser spoaks about Monolulu being tbe strongbo!d of tbe I Loyaiists and tbut tbe p. g. wiil do l>etter on tbe otber islauds. A glance over the returus from Kohala, ilamakua and Lahaiua. will prove tbat tbe p g. bas eveu been wono defoated in tbose j districts tbau bere. iu Ilamakua *2(( Hawaiians bave registered while Kohala meets witb 35. , mostly compose*.I of goverument 1 cfficials. Tbe total vote iu Lahaina is 46 iccluding Portugues<>, j kaole* and natives. In the last named district, even tbe polieemen. wiUi one exception, refosed to register. In Lanai tbree men | registered, tbe jodge. the poliee- . man and a mau implicated in tbe Lanai horror—a brotber to i tbe murderess. In tbe la(ter i plaee tbe jodge, 6olomon Kahoohalahala told the natives that the ' goveruroeut faad promised 20 acrea of laod to eaeh Hawaiian wUo wuuid r«gi»ter but «tua ibai

bribe didn’t take. At the Leper Sett!emer.t 3 men vote<I one of wbom was Doctor . Oiiver. And so en all o-.er tbe proup. If the p p. «cd tbe Advcrt;ser eaa fiod «ny comfort out of thi» stato of «ffiirs tbcy are easily s ttisfied. Bes:dcs tbere Lave been no challfcnges, no invest ; gitions, no fittempt to stop anybody not qu ilified even nnder p. g rule. Tbe Advert;ser flonrisbetl amonp tbose wbo bad registered in H<>nolnin tbe name cf a criminal who never bas been pardoned. but nevertbeless was convicted tbree or fonr years ago of tbe trifliog offense of *odoīny. Cat tbat is uotliing. everylbiug goes. Coercion and bulblozing is tbe order of the day. Rognes and rascals are allowed tovote andyet tbe result sbows tbe impossibility for the self-appointed p g. to rule thi< conntrv. Tlie result of the registration is a significant victory for tbe principle of Govermufcnt “by tbe people for the people ar,d of tbe people.