Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — The Election. [ARTICLE]
The Election.
On Weilnpsday, the eleelion of delepatc-s tfikos plaee. Tbe pOvernment bas been very derelict in enlipbtonii.g tbe voters in repard to tbe use of tbc b>.llots and , esp*cially in tbe use cf tbe aecumnlatcd vcte, for tbe first time nsed bere. Samj>le ballots onpht i to have been sbown before tbis time, and pcblished lu tbe papers with tbe necessary exj>lanations j Tbe reasc.n vrby tbis hasn't been done, isplain enonph. The raissionaries are ansious to see tlfeir , own men get elected, and tbe sup porters of tbem are familiar witb tbe Australian bal!ot systera and kn ow bow to nse tho accumulated ; vote. Rut tbereisn large number voters w ho bave no experience. of aml vbo are apt to make a raistnko in marking tbeir ballots whieh will cau.se tbe ballot to be 1 cancellcd, and tbe caudidate to lose so roany votes. All tbose wbo realize tbis trick of tbe missionarits. sbould gather together and vote tbe iudependent anti-missionary candidate Mr H. Klemme, bnt tbeyshonld bave tl.e way of voting well explained and be sure not to nmke any i mistakes. Every vote counts.