Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POl'NO MASTER*S XOTICF. N >ti« ii tjīrrn «II ;vnoa\ th»t thrrv »rr *t ;br t»>>T«-rnairtit Ponm.1 *t SJ«k'ki, thrw »tMT?d n..trv-* an I o&e honw. I p»r nxta iuir. tert *rv vhit«, hrMHio>i P j K on r’sht hmd l<y. 1 poor vhite * sorv-lv»ck, branile»i \{ X oa ris{bt hiiul 1 I pin»r tvd nun*. hmi: vhit<* »p»t on th« ! forvbe»>i. br»tiiVii H F. on ni;ht hin.I Ir«:; iU I I poor rv>l h> r»«.-. br»n.l iwk-«rib»bU. Any ptmn or ovaing ihe*** inim*ls &rv rvqno»t«i) tu >v > t »o<i t.-»ke the s*nie oa or hefi>re 12 o’oloek noon SATUKDAY. MAY. i IV»». JAMES Kl'KON A Pona'I M*eter. Makiki, Apr. 19, iS»t. »pT2lMf Capt. Wm. Davies, irjTER-ISLAND PIL0T FOK | Any Port,or in the Hawaiian Islamls. lnqnire ut office o( J. S. Walie» over Spn-ckel’s Knuk. fc-b l4-tf. DAL\IPP0N Hotel street (Arlington Bloclr.1 The alwTe Store his meiv«.<i »i.other Sp!eudi«l Iu> o vte of fl APANE5E SlLK. Goods, Pcr S. S. *’China." —CO*rRB!SO—BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Drtns 0<x>>1» in a!l sha(le. plain an l lignred. v'u«hions, Tab!e CV>Ters, Bed Cover>, Oovu<. Chenii>es, Sliawis. | Silk Crape llainliow Silks, All CoIors Fauoy Dn»jx rios. EHBROIDERED HANDKERGH1EFS, Ooillie», Sc.irfs. Snslies. Jaokeui, Caps. Eto,, Etc. XOVELTIES: Tbe Pricesof these Oooda will .»stoni»h yon including ELECaNT 8ILK K!W0N0S! Hsd(1souji- Ci«arette C«.ses, Piu Cnshions, Si!k Tet> C( «sies, LIHOE INHNMiLL J PIHENE Ul«S Si!k ITnjbrel’ , <s, light but stroDg; Chair Si»(l<lles, Si!tt; I»«raboo B!iii(ls, titleil vith j>olley«; Silk L<inip Sha<les, n» w style. ,1 AP.» \ r>*K «eKKKNH. Fr»i.i $3 fj». L»ROK JAPASE.SE 11BRELLAS * Can be S«t vith P >le in the gronn i, niee (or ihenio» ur Luneleaonl o( doors, thcy ean »>e oj»ne l ont er nsed as a tont. corrox cuai*ks 1N i:r.EAT VAR'ETV . I I I Kespectfnlly IaTited. MRS. J. P- P. eOIL^OO, Proprietreas. Aprl2--1ni8 LAR03 BD3£AD. THE AMEP.IC.VN LEAOIE B*>g>» lcave to anttmince tl*at it uas cstab i.sbuti an E‘n{>l >yment Bare>«n m ennneeiion witli tbe Ameriean Lengu«. will be pleaseJ to furnisb you with ski'le<l or nnskille<l labor witho> t • ny fee for tbe eng«ging such labor. Tbe labor enr -lle»l with na is of tbe fullowiug oat;oruliti«»: Amenean, Portngaese, Hawaiian. German, And other £uropean N »tiona)itieg : Begging le»ve to open a correspond«nce vith yoa on tbis aabject. We reraaTn, Yoar obedieut servants, B ». ThE AX£KIC\N LeaOI'E E.MPL«t3IE.\T BORFAC. 135’' Addr*««s«11 comm> ni>*\iions to THE ). P SEVERIN. S«cretarv. i i Bom