Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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\] t E, McIn.tt^ e <Sc IMPORTEBS* VXDJDEALERS ]IN G-roceries, ī > rovisions A>D Feed, EAST CORNER FORT ± KING STS. New 6oods Rec'd By evprv Picket from the Eastera St»tes anif Enrope. Fresh CaHfornii» Prodace bv ever> «teamer. All onlers faitbfully atten>le*l and Gmds delivered to aay part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. l-ilan l0r ler& Solicited. Sat sf;*ctiou Guar»ntec»l. Poet Oflice I>ov N» 14ō. Telei»hone N>». 92.

j Kapiolani Park Lots At Auction- — Ihe Property of H. F, Poor. A Rare Ohanee to Secure a Site for a Seaside Residence! On MONDAY. April 30th. at 12 o r elock tioon, «t niv S i!e>r om. I w11 sell ;»t P. b'ic Auctiou TWO LOTS I I Ailjoinirg eneh other fronting ou tlie S“a-b€tich, mnking a |>lot lUO feet front and 300 fevt eleep. These Lots b;-ve been grpatly improved by a top dr**ssing of enrth, a \vtll to i>revmt the >ncroachinenti f the sea, ;>nd a Iarge | ph.ee blasted ont, niaking one of the mi'st conveuient batbing nhieea in tli6 ne'ghborhood; a h-rge nnmber of trees h >ve been set nnt «nd ;tre growing thriftily; t‘ ere is a!so a B «rn, Cook house, etc , on theprem s*s. TBRMSCASH: Deedsat I expeuse of purchaser. Le\vis 'ī. Levey, •tpr28-It A-ictio; eer CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F<ART STREET, Mcīnerny BIook. JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS | Semewt āūĒw^ ASI) Cji | aiiite Curhing Laid. i £stimat<B given on all kinls of CoqcretB C0NCSETE A SPECI.VLTY. JNO. F. BOWLEF.. jan!7 3m H. E. McINTYRE <k BRO., Grocery, Feed Stoke ā Bakeby, Corner of King anl Fort Sts., Honolula C.T. AKAXA īailoi" 324 Nunanu Street I | Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbe Laiest |Style. Clothes C!eaned and Repaired. no!7 I I WANTED. j A BRIGHT BOY MOST HAVE I « horse to <l«iīr>>i | -\pp!y ai tue HOLOMUA OF , | F£CE. l'noma* Hioek, \L