Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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?UST ARRIVED, w BABY • CARRIAGES 0F ALL STYLES, CARPETS, IX THE.LATEST rATTERXS. “!H 0 U S E H O L D j i SEWING MACHINF.S Haxd Sewi.no Machixes, jjyAll \Vith the Improvemeut8"^J PARLOR) Ora:ans, Gruitars ; Aod Other Mnsical’Iastrnmeut8. Wines, Liquors, Beer JALWAYS*OX HAND, AXD FOR.SALEJ BY ED. H0FFS0HIAEGE8 & 00 Kin* St.. oppo. Castle A Cooke's | Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Another Invoice of tho Wor1d \ Renowoed FRE0ER!CKSBU1G LAGER B£ER On Jranght .md hy the heg. Also. as a Speclalty, Small Fresh ClUFORNIA 0YSTERS, KOU CQCKTA1LS L22 lnj Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLIC For th« Is1and of Oahn. ” Agent to Take Ackoowledgment8 to Labor Contnicts. Agent to Grant 3iHiriage Lieenses, Honoiuln, Oaba. Agent for the Haw'n IsUnls of Pitt Jc Scon s Freight and P.»rcels Express. Agent for the Burlington lloate. Rs3l Estite Brrler jti aaiKl At'rl 1L!1 Tal. Mat. i>i. 13t»; P. O. 415. OFF!PC. Nc UEl CHAMT uhwi ii k