Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iUST ARRIVED. 3 q 5 BABY ■ CARRIAG£S OF .UJ. ST\'LFJ\ CAf\PETS. ix r : iE latest r.\Tn:;:N>. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINHS Hand Sewing Machi»es, L«fAll WUh the Lalvst Impnveui« j PAHLOK) Org:ans, Guitars? Aad Other Mnsical’In.strumtuts. Wines, Liquors, Bcer [ALWATS*ON HAND. AND POK.SALEj BY ED. HOFFSCHUIEGER t G0. King St.. oppo. C*»tle <k Cooke’s Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Another Invoice of the Worhl RenownetI FREOERICXSB(RG LAGER BEER On tlranght aml V»y the keg. A!so. as a Specialty, SMALL FRESH CAUF0RN!A 0YSTERS. KOH COCKTAlLS fe22 1rn Chas. T. Guīick NOTARV PUBL1C For the I.sland of Oaha. Agent to Take Ackno«rIedgmeuta to Labor Contcacts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen* ses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Ilaw’n Islands o! Pnr k Scott’3 Freight aad Parcels Express. Ageut for the Borlingtou lloute. Real Estate Mer atteral Ar c ut' Bell Tol. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Bux 415. OFFlCE: So. 38 MRRCHANT