Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T$usiness Cards II. LOSE, rs otarv Lhihlie. Collector and General Bn#iness Agevt. Patentce of Losk's Chemical CoMPor\o for Clarifying Cane Juiee. Sub-Agent for sevexal of the Besl FIRE IXSURAXCE CQS. Mumal IVl<fpncu«r ». P. O. I>ox 338. Mer<'liunt -iliwl. H •nolnln. DA5m C?,ASSES. D\N LY->NS’ l)\\CIVO CLASs> *ilILe ehane -1 fnnn fhe I>uill S»ild «o tR«ov Halu <T«i!r>i be h!< r-*ntr-I <•••■ T("ESDAY", THCBSD.VY in;! SATCRD.\Y ot e.uh week. T he S<tn~Tir omnin- 1 fir ( niMnen will meet at >be Ar m HhU nt 2 o’eloek Situril v :»fterno m. Apr l Ttn. On Tne-i Liy "V-*.rnsj, A'tril I0tu. «> 7 I •i’eh-ek. .1 cL.ss « ill l>e f>rtued f.*r Mea an.l li *y-i. On Tanvi ty nft?nt , '.»n, nt .3 oVlrcK \rril I2t't, • c!,Vis w U be foriued f.*r H,*w iiians. The fir nll hty Pupil» will l*e 2ō ccnts a l'-ssm. On tlte aS.>ve dnys \fe. Lyon e m l>e seen at tlie Hall from 9 to 12 uoous* 3t>>4 2t Clty« Meat Maeke t Oppo. Queen Emnia Hall, Establislietl 1883. JOS. TINKER, X' M ' 5 ER Malcer of the^Celebrated Cambridae Pork Sa'jsage'! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of tlie City aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : H. 1. GENERALa\d Commission Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. AGEXTS FOB Lloydt» :— l ntisii an<l Foreīgn Maiine Insnranee Comp tuy, Liaileii. 'ortbern As»mauce Co, fire i life. , Pijneer Line of PuekeU from Lfr- j eipool. 3.« ian LLae of PaekeU. eanalian PaOe Railway Co. axd Cau.'iiian-Anstralia3 Steams!iiū Co. • Liver;ool Ofmc«: The AIboty, OIJ H,ll St. | leoimooi BRUGE & A. J. GARTWRICHT Ba«nes» of a Pidncīary X*tnre Trsnsact«d. I’rotapt atlcntion gjven to the management of EuUtes, G lanliaaahipn, Trasta, ele., etc., ete. Ojfc*s, : Ca -ticrig!,t Building, Lerchj.nl Stroet, Heoolela. CHAS. G1RŪLER, Importer auel Commissioii Merchant SPBCLALTD2J: J. i P. Co*U’ Maehine Thr~*d /on.»a Btocks’ Maohiaa Thre* 1 B*ri<oarM Lioen Toiead Po*j»’|8o>r jP. O. B>jx 339. UntruIjrei.'phaM 330 |