Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anheuser-33usch Brewinsr Co. Win: the IPrize at the AVorld's with their EAGL Ih J3rand *J3eer. St Lons. Oct 2S. 1823. Messes. M\cfarl.vne & Co., L’d , Honolula, H. I. Dear Sira: —Wu have mailed yoa a copy of tlie Glohe-Deruocrat annoaneiii" tiie gre it victo»y won by the Ashecser-BcbH AssocuTI0N with tlieir ‘ £AGLL ' I>faud of lieer. [Signed] ANHEUSER-BCSH BEWIXG ASSOCIATIOX. n 4 & * ss X % & - p» C3 ■rfef - $ £ £ I5H1H& fMTTn ordering 1’ Js Beer besuretoask for the “EAOLE’’ Brand. JVlacfarlano <fe Co., Mnr. 14- -2md. A<jent* frr Haimnan hlands. AT THĒ OLDB STABLES. “ CREOLE ” 21,702. Racc Rccord: Fourth Hcat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cah Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Prompter. C,SOō. bv Iil r o Bnll. 7.">: D «in, Grare, by Bncauieer. 2,6.>6. Pr >mpter is i)lst> the Sire of Apex, 2:26; Tmnsit, 2:261; Wulker 2;2Ā 1; \Vales, 2:27',: Chici>, 2:24: and of the Dams Bri)liautine, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. “Crf.OLe" is iet tā.ick, one hind while foot and small stripe in fnoe. \Veight, 1,0.50 ponnds; is very styl:sh, geatle. « good prodncer nd n gatne race t.orse, Wilī stnnd f»r « Iimited nnmher of niares at FIf 1\ (?.>0) DOLLAhS FOR THE SKASOIf, p.tyable at time of servioe. This horse was bred iu 1802 to forty-six mares aud prodnce i forty-two co ts. feb 17-im 13 I-ī DAV1>S. ®EDWAT & PORTER ? Ēobiuson BIock, Hotel 67., helween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jrst rfcfvid.j«r I »tc d n:\»V. tl e ī »if <f 1 St< < 1 cf FUK Mll EE Ever lnij Orted to t’ is Coontry, Comj rising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom S:ts In S5olitl Oak, andof the LA TESTDESĪGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED TO T.lESE SETS: WIOKEH WARB, Beaut ful Des gns <>f W iek r Ware, consist ng of SOFAS, CHAlES, EOCKERS, et>;.,yon ean gel lhese in j»ny FINISH v«> i desire. OHAIĪlS f Conntless numberd of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, iuc'nding OFFICE aml HIGH CHAIRS. ESTTE2STSIOHSr TABLES, We have had a nambero! calls for these T.-.bles, wiih CHAIKS t> match. We bave now in stock th<* iuost BEfiUTIFUL DINING R30iVI FURNITURE EV£R SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and -;- Chiffoniers VAISTS D vans covere«l wīth PORTIERS are becomiug qnit“ the nge in plaee cf LOUNGES -w« tuanufactaro tiiem to order : and have a Iaige stock of PORTIERS to sel ct from. BEDmira-. Gre.it Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES— Spring. H«ir. Moss, W«iol and Strnw Mattress»*s ou hand aiid made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS ai.d SILE FLOSS fur Pd ows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. W1ND0W SHADES of all colors and siz-s. COR v ICE POLES, in wood or br ss trimmings. EEPAIEI1T&. Mattresses, Loonges and all Upbolstered Furmture repaired at reason»ble n U*s. CABINET MAKINO. in all its brancbes, by Compeaeut Workmen. MATTING LA1D *nd Int rior Decor..ticg aader the Snpervisiou of Mr. GEOKGE OKDWAT. Onr Goods re F rst C1 >ss. and oar prices are the !owest Come afid be e >nvinced —a tri >l is s 1 e ted. B*’‘-l 52/». TFLFPncvFS: Mat«iai 64ō. OB1>WaY «v POH.XfiR. B>>bir*wn Biock. F»P and >V«a*au