Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
! The Ti*er hit a goo<l m »ny of | its scpporter3 «nd strong friei:d-i | to the “p. g ' very h;ird in its “Growth of LHwles.saess” editori- j «I this moruing. ° — i Lack of spnce prevents the ; proper presentation of »» story of the “h' undiug” bv p. g. spie.s. of one of the g iests of tho Arling ton 3ouse. The g:>nt!era »n. w!io , Iihs beid Hud still holds h gii o5icial position in the Uuited St»tes wi?l very probably preseut his report on aniv«l out. His treatraeut here will be to:d to morrow. i — The laws have jiermftted the j*. g crowd to have a r.ew L»ws as Anditor. This new v*ntchdogof Ihe Treasnry has a co ! h»r on Ihe neek aiready, aud tbe uauie does not apell The pubuc. Jcdge Robektsox looked rakiier blne this morniug probably on a»*connt of the lengtby C ilend.*r of ennnnal casts «hicb ha tiad t j «dj.idi.*»te on. He 15 stdl i •• od? l»L Ior polīlle »! pw-