Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I Central Union cbnrch bad a large number of tbe fair sex witbin its confir.cs tbis raorning tbe oeeaaion being t!ie rneeting of tbe members of tbe execntive I conimittce 01 tlie W nnan’s Board and tbe presiding officers of tbe kindergarten comraittees. Tbe matinee performance at tbe 0[iera Honse Satorday afternoon. by the Dailey Co. was a ( raost decided snccess. Peck’s I Bad Boy was tbe pieee presented 1 nnd Miss Josie Gassman filled | tbe title Mr. Dailey took ■ , tbe cbarncter of the “dntcli | grocer” nnd roars of langbter ; I preeted bis whiras5c »lities and , tbo pranl:s of Miss Gassraan. l i Tbe audience was tbe birgest of : the season aud young and o1d | went away well pleased witb the production. Tbe steamer Clandine got into : i difficnlt : es oti' of Lihaina on tbe j ; 26tb inst. while engtged towing | tbe b:irk Aldeu Bes.se to Kalinlui. ; One of tbe iron bitts whieh tbe S tow-line was mnde fast to, v\as carried away and pieces of it strnck tbe second raate and two : sadors. Tbe mate received a cut in tbo bead; one siilor was cutin tbe lower part of tbe left leg, au i artery being severed and tbe i otber sailor bad bis rigbt leg | broken above tlie knee. Doctor Allen of Hana, Mani, attended to ; the men immediately and tbe sutferers were afterwards Ianded at Maalaea b iy and taken to tbe Wailuku hospital.