Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — A Series of Surprises. [ARTICLE]

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A Series of Surprises.

After tbe init : al appeaianee in this citv. of Dailey's company, tbe puhlie eipected to witness a nnmber of excellent plays. bat it ia donbtfal. if tbey anticipated | as marv genut"ne snrpr:3€s as they i bave been treated to. Tfaeatrical companies have been here in the p ist who were ftvoreil by landatnrv »dvance literatnre extolling -,. ° j their worth, and in most instances they fell far sbort of ex- ; pectations. Mr. Dai!ey enme with | his plavers whMK’ nn 'nnonnce<l (nr.t even the owners of the Oper>» Honse being aware of his v:sit) ' and 5s giving theatre patrons a series of p!e isant snrprises. The comoany are uuostentitions Iadies and gentlemen who have won s»lmiration by artistic worth and t'>e |>ubiic already ’look upon; them as excellent. artistic frieuds.