Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe p. g lte D J at EmmaSqaar8 tLi» fcvemug. Wind Soath, weather Tery wann. The “Galley Slave” is a dramatic gem. Wednesday is one of the p g. e!ection days. Mr. Hay Wodehouse is improving very, v» ry rIow1v. Interest seems to increase ratbcr than deminish iu Daileys Company. ___ F“w Arnerican pl«ysbascreated as ).isting «n impression as tbe •'Gilley Slave.” A heavy list of civil cases were adjadicated on. by Jadge Robertson. yestenlay afternoon. Tlie stockholders of the P»cifie Hanlware Co. ;<re b<>idiog tbeir qoarterly meeting tnday. Tiie Chinese are coraraitting many robberics iu towL.s ou tbe cther isluuds. Tlie Freucli corvette Duchanff <ult sails toraorrow, or tlie next d iy, for tbo MarqnesaS isl:iuds. The steamers Iwalaui, Jaraes M <kee, Kaala, and Mukolii all sail tliis afternoon at 5 o’eloek. j Captnin Zicg:ers company , were the victors in a team shnoti ng-competition for a prizo on Satnrday. Mr. Jolin Parker was resting a little easi< r tliis morning;tbere is strong Lopes of a sett!ed change for the better. ." a i Miss Nannary will be accorded 1ut secoml opportanitv in Qtieeua” nud will display some humlsorae wardrube. i ( . ; Tlie Nalional Iron W orks Co. i hnve been kept pretty 1j»tely in filling or<leis on small jobs for tlieir iuaii}’ patruns. Tlie Bullttin made a scoop on the otlier loeal evening paners on | i S.iturday bv gelting ont n noun editiou for the Australia. Tlio traok is being pnt in a raost excellfcnt condition aud wiil on tlie llth of Jnne be so that uo trotter will gu beluw *2;U7i. ————— Kews hns l»een received that | tlie s;iloon at Wailukn owned by Mis. lialoheloi, wlio is ut present in this citv, wasburned up on the 27 th iust. A paper <-n the oeeupaiion of Hawaii bv Russia will be readby i Prof. Aloxander nt the uext meeting of the ilawaiiau Historical Sociot\ - . Mr. Edward Towse city editor <<f t!ie Star, h joarnaIiSt wil! liked in newspuper circ!es here bis rosigned bis positiou and will probabl\' eng«ge in other bosiness. T!io pr<>grainni3 for the nces to bo held under tbe auspices <>f the Juckov Club at Kapiolani P«rk on t!ie llth of June, is ro»dv aud wil! pcub;ibly be publishe<l in a dav or two. ■ Tliu Ti<fr*" couvicted man, o!Vioer Logiii, has as nsual, been entir Iy ex<»nonted, aftor a care ful aud searehing investigation of tbe cbarges proferre<l «g«inst him bv tliat paj>or. "Wbo is tbe noxt ofticer tbe Tisrr people intond to tackle? Tl:e matcb game of tbe ericket on l.«st Saturday ahemoon be twe-u teams from H. B. M. S. Cbampion aud the Houolniu Cricket club, was won by tbe former witb a score of 53 to 37 witb two crickats to spare. Ouiy uuo iuuiugs was pUycd. The sudden, nnexpected, deatk 'of Mrs. Ge<*rgo Mclutyre, a young m;»rri«xi lady oftbiseity. ou S <turday erouing, was a ahoek to the coniiuanit\. Pneumonia t wns tbe Chuse ;«ssigued. Tbe fuuerai t*»o< plaee from ber !ate r< s;<lt*nee _v t; rl ;v , auU lai^w^-