Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Hoasters AND Provision Merchants 9S Fort Stre»'t. - Honololn FArailies. Plnutation> anJ Ships supplietl w:th cboicest Europtan d' .4 menean Grocrries California PnMnee lu* Erer>Ste'tcer. OCEANlC SteamshipCo Time ’T"iil>lo. LOCAL LIXE. S. S. AL T STRALIA. Arrive Honolnla Leare Honolaln from S, F. ror Si, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 21 M .r. 3. Ai>r. 21 Apr. 28. Miv 1!) M iv. 2(i. Jnne 16 June '23. Throviirh I -iuoFroni Sin Frm. f r Syilney. Arrive Honololu From Sytlney for San Francisco. Leave Honolnlu. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class B:tthiiij» Resort b«s been enlarge«l an»l is now open to the |>nblic. It is the best plnee on tiie islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. S|>ecial aeeommudatioas for Lidies. TramcHrs pass the door eveiy half lio<ir and on Saturdays and Sundays e\ery fifteen minulea. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor, M )Tut: The partnership heretofore , existi«g between Frederick H irrison and Arthur H!trri»on, und*r the firm name of Harrison Bro». ms ContrMctors und Buddtrs, lias been bviontnul cousent disso!ved, and all |>artie$ owing »a;d firra «re lterrby not:fied tliat payment of the saiue rnu>t be uiade to , Frederick Harrisoo, wlio is inttiorized lo settle said bu»iness wiihm tbiity da\-s fro:n date. Fhedehick Hakris05, Aktucb UaRBLs05. Honolnlu, H. L M>rch ‘i7th. 1891 inar 28 — 1 w. — 1 — LEWIS 4 C0. Whoiesale and Retaii 6ro r A5D PROVISION DEALERS. — FRESR CAUF0RXU 8ALM0N ONICE By Every ban Franci«oo bte«uner. Salt Sauion' iv Barrels a Speualtt. III Fot £ v / ., } ilonolmiu. T«L [j^o t J* t\ finx J<jT