Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tiie AJrertis»>r who catches i persons eve us-v»! - v w'.ns a cnstoiuer. M;»ny J;t!ortnt stvles ; of advertisirg h tve been «Jopted ntd with raore orle>> snccess. by tbe beiievers in the nse of prīnters ink. The mant;f »cturers of Pears Soap. for instinco, occasion il!y bnv p:iiutings t!iat b-»ve been on exhib;t; >n in the Piri s Stlon aiul have i thogr.»p!is :n a le frora tbom for the pnrpose »»f bring ng tbeir pr) 1 ;ct bef >re the iieoplo. In addit»on t) soch siJe i» ies. Pear spenJs bnnJreds thous »nds o£ Jol! us annual!y imm g the newspapers aml m;»gz;nes. 8ome years ag > tbe .Ageuts of cerbiin artiele on sale in New York m »de a hit 5n advort >ing by having on BrOadw.iv dnring b;is 1 iues> bours two f,itluessly drcssed Negroes wearing very high eollan», on the bicks of whie!» was prin- . teJ “Use S niths Pills.’’ The ule.» was novel aiul tiio pnhlie caug!it on. Ilising Sin Stove Polisli haa been kepi before tlie puhlie f'>r years tiirongh j>ersistent, nnd sometiraes exj>eu'ive advertising. Twenty odd years ago the mannfacturers of th:s j)olish startcd half a Jo?.en men acrossthe orniir.eut to paiut s gns on rocks aml fences. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have in- ' creaseil its sales rnore than five i hnndred per cent iu two years bv ’ the use of pr;nters iuk. TVe believe we have bee:i iustrntnental in increasing the sales of the Aerootor by keeping everlastingly i at it in Mawaii. We do not wish to say that advertising will se1l auy manufacj tnred article; tliero is no use spending inoney in advertising •‘eheap and nasty” goods beeauae the peoj)le wil! not behoodwinked. If Haviland China was not tlie snjierior article it is, all | our aJvertising of it wouU not have sold the thonsands nf pieces that we have. We simply eall ! thu attentiou of the j)eop!e to it ; and its superior qnulity is appari ent t ) the castomer Jirectly a pieee of it is examine>l. Printers ink haa lielpeel the sale of t!ie Jame« LockeJ Eeuee but • t wot»ld nnt h tve J.»nesso if it h«»d been as tlimsy as tlie or Jin >y w:re fence. First; the econ»my there is iu bailding it recommemls it to the plantation manager «nd then its dnmbi1ity c!inches the : the sale If the stays an-1 washers cost as uuieli as an onlin >ry reJwood post onr siles of the material wnnld not hnve rejicbed ! such enormons j>roportions. Onr aver»ge sale of tho Pans} - Iron Stove is abont two a day the year round. if was not the best iroa st»ve on the market we 1 wouhl not sell th;.t many rn six ’ monlhs. AJvertising is the tip | t» the pnhlie the gooJ jx>ints in j theartic!e seils it jn-t as tlie gowl qna!ities of tho Fiseher Stee! j llange make it n Jesir tble article f >r people wh» wish toeconomise in tho nse of fueL We bny only whal bas proven gooJ ufter people in the FnifeJ j States or E rrnps have given it a tri.»!; we profit by their experince if the artic!es are g>>ood we boy an l sell tliem; if they are poor wa st«er clear of thera. When 1 we advertise an artic!e it is to «t- j tract attenti'.>n to it; the news- ■ j>aper i» the bntton we posb, the salesmau does the rest. Persist«nt advertising conp!ed j with the artic!3 beiog a superior loaeh»s s»IJ thoas»nJs of the : Fr.ink W«ieot Etaory File. If it i had beeu no beiter t!i«n an ordin»ry scythe stone we prob»blv j w.>uld not bave s»Id twenty. j W hen a man ficds out tbat his j tab!e knives may be kej)tsbirp at all times at an txpcnse of fifty I cents »nd a ven’ little e!bow greuse he is qnite wilhng to try the expenment ■ T&IH2fana Hārii?.re Ce>, _Foxt,bUv#t.