Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — On The Warpath. [ARTICLE]

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On The Warpath.

Mr 'William C. Aehi is on tbe warp.tth. He b»s issneJ a proeiamulion to tbe voters of H iwaii callicg npon them to Sclect him as a deleg.tte. He bas written : a Ietter to lbe learned attoruey genenl. an.l «ske<l if tbe voters on H.w.iii n;ay vote f.*r him althongh he h s filed no reqoest to be a caodidate sigae<l bv a "l'i vuters requ;re 1by i.iw, The learned attorney general an-sw.-rs th:»t be m.iy r;;n m -pite of j not conforming witu tbe law. beeause “any votcr mvy erase the name of any candidate on tbe baUot aud substītuto anotber nsmc." After recciving this leameil decision by tbe iuost leart»ed attorney general. Mr. Aehi issnes a prodamatioa to the votersof Hawaii inwhieh he iells them tliat be “sball do all in my power to advanco tbe prosperity of the coming RepobIic of Ha waii, and tbe intere>ts of tbe Araericuu Luion Party with t!:e excepti;.n of Scction 5. as I tbick tliat tbe interests of tbe sugar pl.intatious. aud other inJastries Jemandcbe;»pl .l)orers; bnt Asiat e immigratiuu iuay be restr:cteJ in some w«y in o;cler to protect the rnterest of tlie laboriug class 11 W e Jon t thiuk Mr. Aehi will get there, but we cordi illy congratulate tbe Aineneaa L'nion Party on its acquisition.