Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 100, 30 April 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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{W* not ho!d onrse;Tes respousible for . ib« o(>iu'ons or the uttenuces nf oui , corresponi«:uU.J | Edrob Holomua: Depnty M.ir?hal llmwn has invesiig«ted t e chargeof Lrutalifv 3R:uust offieer D.W. Logan. Stx »itaessfs testifie<l in favor of tbe | officer aoJ three agaiust.— Bulle • | tin. As a contradicticn to the al>ove . 1 wish to state that there are i several witnesses prepared to swear that officer JLogan was brutal &nd did use unoec€ssarv violenee. TLe BulUtin editor bas | prob»b!y a desire to whitewash the faaiiiy name. The foilowicg are the uames of those who know j tbat ei:her Browa or the BulUtīn is wroag, vi*: Sam. Decker, Antone Fernandez, T. J. Miteheli, Buchman, Chas. Fisber, |I>I Aualuhi, Mokuahi, Haihu, | Poieka;ku. £aew ucd Makaeha.